These instruments revealed a high incidence of impaired MDC both in brain tumors and other neurological diseases for treatment- and research-related decisions. Incapacity appeared to be mostly determined by the level of cognitive impairment. Surrogate decision making should be considered in case a patient lacks capacity, ensuring that the patient's "best interests" and wishes are guaranteed. Several methods are available that may help to enhance patients' consent capacity. Clinical recommendations on how to detect and manage reduced MDC in brain tumor patients were formulated, reflecting among others the timing of MDC assessments, methods to enhance patients' consent capacity, and alternative procedures, including surrogate consent. Clinical recommendations on how to detect and manage reduced MDC in brain tumor patients were formulated, reflecting among others the timing of MDC assessments, methods to enhance patients' consent capacity, and alternative procedures, including surrogate consent.Patients with primary brain tumors often experience seizures, which can be the presenting symptom or occur for the first time at any point along the illness trajectory. In addition to causing morbidity, seizures negatively affect independence and quality of life in other ways, for example, by leading to loss of driving privileges. Long-term therapy with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) is the standard of care in brain tumor patients with seizures, but the role of prophylactic AEDs in seizure-naive patients remains controversial. In this article, experts in the field discuss the issues of AED efficacy and toxicity, and explain their differing recommendations for routine use of prophylactic AEDs. Exposure to inorganic arsenic through drinking water is a threat for public health. Using the arsenic-containing water in the long-term causes a variety of skin diseases, high blood pressure, and skin cancer. Arsenic also damages the nervous