Honey bees use several strategies to protect themselves and the colony from parasites and pathogens. In addition to individual immunity, social immunity involves the cumulative effort of some individuals to limit the spread of parasites and pathogens to uninfected nestmates. Examples of social immunity in honey bees that have received attention include hygienic behavior, or the removal of diseased brood, and the collection and deposition of antimicrobial resins (propolis) on interior nest surfaces. Advances in our understanding of another form of social immunity, social fever, are lacking. Honey bees were shown to raise the temperature of the nest in response to temperature-sensitive brood pathogen, Ascosphaera apis. The increase in nest temperature (-0.6 °C) is thought to limit the spread of A. apis infection to uninfected immatures. We established observation hives and monitored the temperature of the brood nest for 40 days. This observation period was broken into five distinct segments, corresponding to suesults indicate that adult honey bee workers exposed to a brood pathogen elevate the temperature of the brood nest and initiate an immune response, but the effect of this fever on preventing disease requires further study.Punicalagin (PU), a polyphenol extracted from pomegranate (Punica granatum) husk is proven to have anti-cancer effects on different types of cancer including colorectal cancer (CRC). Its role in modulating endogenous protein as a means of eliciting its anti-cancer effects, however, has not been explored to date. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the role of PU in modulating the interplay between apoptosis and autophagy by regulating Annexin A1 (Anx-A1) expression in HCT 116 colorectal adenocarcinoma cells. In the study, selective cytotoxicity, pro-apoptotic, autophagic and Anx-A1 downregulating properties of PU were shown which indicate therapeutic potential that this polyphenol has