Subsequent to their purification we have further explored their incorporation into membrane scaffolding protein nanodiscs, which will enable future structural studies. Pyroptosis, a form of programmed cell death, has garnered increasing attentions as it relates to innate immunity and diseases. The discovery of caspase-1/3/4/5/8/11 function in sensing various challenges expands the spectrum of pyroptosis mediators and also reveals that pyroptosis is not cell type specific. Recent studies identified that pyroptosis could be chemically mediated cancer development. In this mini-review, we provided a primer on pyroptosis and discussed the induction of pyroptosis in cancer and its implications in cancer management. Moreover, its two important executioners, the gasdermin D (GSDMD) and gasdermin E (GSDME), and the functions and mechanisms of them in the regulation in cancer therapy were focused on. Small molecules-mediated pyroptosis were found to effectively inhibit various tumor cells. In brief, the findings of pyroptosis-dependent cancer progression, new drugs and therapeutic target may lead to a promising, novel therapeutic approach for cancer patients. V.PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES This phase I/II, multi-institutional trial explored the tolerance and efficacy of stepwise increasingly hypofractionation radiation therapy regimens for fraction sizes up to 4.3 Gy in localized prostate cancer. MATERIALS/METHODS Three escalating dose-per-fraction schedules were designed to yield similar predicted tumor control while maintaining equivalent predicted late toxicity. Hypofractionation levels I, II, and III were carried out sequentially and delivered schedules of 64.7Gy/22 fx/2.94Gy; 58.08Gy/16 f/3.63Gy and 51.6/Gy12/4.3Gy, respectively with next level escalations contingent upon acceptable GI toxicity. The primary endpoints were biochemical control and toxicity. RESULTS A total of 347 patients were accrued by 5 institutions with 101, 111 and 135 patients treated on HPFX Levels I, II and III with median follow-ups of 100, 85.5 and 61.7 months, respectively (83.2 months combined). The NCCN low/intermediate risk group distribution was 46%/54%. Sixteen percent of patients, primarilventionally fractionated radiation therapy for prostate cancer. Every second we inhale a danger in the air; many particles in the atmosphere can influence our lives. Outdoor air pollution, especially particulate matter is the largest environmental risk factor and has been associated with many cardiovascular and lung diseases. Importantly, air pollution has recently been discovered to also impact the brain. Here, we review the effects of air pollution on glial cells of the brain, astrocytes and microglia, and the tightly controlled interplay between these cell types. We focus on how traffic related air pollutants which include both gaseous and particulate emissions and their secondary products influence the intercellular communication of microglia and astrocytes. Finally, we place these air pollution and glial interactions in a larger context by discussing their impact on neurodegeneration. The hippocampus has a well-known role in mediating learning and memory, and its function can be directly regulated by both stress and glucocorticoid receptor activation. Hippocampal contributions to learning are thought to be dependent on changes in the plasticity of synapses within specific subregions, and these functional changes are accompanied by morphological changes in the number and shape of dendritic spines, the physical correlates of these glutamatergic synapses. Serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase 1 (SGK1) regulates dendritic spine morphology in the prefrontal cortex, and modulation of SGK1 expression in mouse hippocampus regulates learning. However, the role of SGK1 in dendritic spine morphology within the CA1 and dentate gyrus regions of the hippocampus are unknown. Thus, herpes simplex viral vectors expressing GFP and various SGK1 constructs, including wild type SGK1, a catalytically inactive version of SGK1 (K127Q), and a phospho-defective version of SGK1 (S78A), were infused into the hippocampus of adult mice and confocal fluorescent microscopy was used to visualize dendritic spines. We show that increasing expression of SGK1 in the dentate gyrus increased the total number of spines, driven primarily by an increase in mushroom spines, while decreasing SGK1 activity (K127Q) in the CA1 region increased the total number of dendritic spines, driven by a significant increase in mushroom and stubby spines. The differential effects of SGK1 in these regions may be mediated by the interactions of SGK1 with multiple pathways required for spine formation and stability. As the formation of mature synapses is a crucial component of learning and memory, this indicates that SGK1 is a potential target in the pathway underlying stress-associated changes in cognition and memory. High rates of hip fracture (HF) in long-term care (LTC) lead to increased hospitalization and greater risk of death. Supplementation of residents with vitamin D3 (vitD) has been recommended, but may be infrequently acted upon. Using a prospective cohort design, we explored use of vitD at doses ≥800 IU for hip fractures (HF) and for mortality among permanent LTC residents in Saskatchewan between 2008 and 2012, using provincial administrative health databases (N = 23178). We used stepwise backward regression with Cox proportional hazard multivariate analysis for time to first HF or to death upon entry into LTC (excluding the first three months), the association of daily vitD (determined during the first three months), age, sex, age*sex interaction, prior HF, osteoporosis diagnosis and Charlson Comormidity Score (CCS) was determined. Users of VitD were more likely older, women and those with previous HF. For HF, no significant impact of vitD or CCS was found. Models for mortality, stratified by sex, showed in women only, that vitD use resulted in a significant inverse association with time to death [HR (0.91(0.87-0.96)]; for men it was 0.94(0.88-1.01). The impact of VitD supplementation in LTC deserves further investigation, however, the mechanisms for its effect on mortality remain unclear.