sults. In patients with renal cell carcinoma, robot-assisted radical nephrectomy shows perioperative advantages compared to open radical nephrectomy, but not compared to laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. In patients with renal cell carcinoma, robot-assisted radical nephrectomy shows perioperative advantages compared to open radical nephrectomy, but not compared to laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. The consumption of caffeinated drinks and soft drinks is widespread in society, including by pregnant women. Data regarding the association of caffeine intake and stillbirth are varied. We aimed to investigate the degree of consumption of caffeinated drinks or soft drinks in the last four weeks of pregnancy in women who experienced a late stillbirth compared to women with ongoing live pregnancies at similar gestation. Influences on maternal caffeine intake and soft drink consumption during pregnancy were also investigated. A case-control study undertaken in 41 maternity units in the United Kingdom. Cases were women who had a singleton non-anomalous stillbirth ≥28 weeks' gestation (n = 290) and controls were women with an ongoing pregnancy at the time of interview (n = 729). Data were collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaire which included questions regarding consumption of a variety of caffeinated drinks and soft drinks in the last four weeks of pregnancy as well as other behaviours (e.g.gnancy is associated with increased risk of stillbirth, particularly at levels greater than recommended by the WHO (>300 mg/day). Recommendations from midwives and internet-based resources are likely to be the most effective means to influence maternal behaviour. 300 mg/day). Recommendations from midwives and internet-based resources are likely to be the most effective means to influence maternal behaviour.Acetobacter pasteurianus accumulates reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are produced by electron and