sms, earlier detection and targeted treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa may have prevented deterioration.Bioculturally significant plants, which have played a key role in sustaining the livelihoods of tribal communities of Arunachal Pradesh, India, are facing threats from changing land use patterns, climatic aberrations and socioeconomic stressors. This study highlights two unique grassroots approaches to conserving these species and their associated cultural knowledge within the traditional land use systems of Arunachal Pradesh Community Knowledge Gardens (CKGs) and Clan Reserve Forests (CRFs). Four CKGs and one CRF, transformed from existing traditional land use systems, were investigated in three socio-ecologically diverse landscapes of Nyishi, Adi and Monpa communities. Study participants, including both men and women, played an active role in devising locally compatible criteria and protocols for strengthening the conservation of key plant species within their traditional land use systems, through CKG and CRF approaches. A total of 86 plant species, conserved through the CKGs and 44 from the Adi CRF, were iy. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in early postoperative health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients with gastrointestinal cancer and to examine the factors influencing such changes. Participants were 106 patients scheduled for elective surgery for gastrointestinal cancer (61 male and 45 females; aged 62.6 ± 12.0 years). HRQOL was evaluated using the Short-Form 36-Item Health Survey version 2 (SF-36) at two time points 1-2 days prior to surgery (baseline) and 4 weeks after surgery. Clinical and social characteristics based on previous studies were investigated as potential factors influencing changes in early postoperative HRQOL. Physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, vitality, social role functioning, and emotional role functioning significantly decreased at 4 weeks after surgery compared with baseline. Mental health at 4 weeks after surgery significantly improved compared with baseline. The scores on each SF-36 subscale at 4 weeks after surgery were significantly associated with gender, clinical stage of cancer, neoadjuvant therapy, surgical site, postoperative complications, HRQOL at baseline, and 6-min walk test at 4 weeks after surgery. To increase early postoperative HRQOL in surgical patients with gastrointestinal cancer, it may be necessary to not only improve postoperative management but also increase exercise capacity after surgery and HRQOL before surgery. To increase early postoperative HRQOL in surgical patients with gastrointestinal cancer, it may be necessary to not only improve postoperative management but also increase exercise capacity after surgery and HRQOL before surgery. Literature supporting the efficacy of complementary and integrative medicine (CIM) alongside radiotherapy is fragmented with varying outcomes and levels of evidence. This review summarizes the available evidence on CIM used with radiotherapy in order to inform clinicians. A systematic literature review identified studies on the use of CIM during radiotherapy. Inclusion required the following criteria the study was interventional, CIM therapy was for human patients with cancer, and CIM therapy was administered concurrently with radiotherapy. Data points of interest were collected from included studies. A subset was identified as high-quality using the Jadad scale. Fisher's exact test was used to assess the association between study results, outcome measured, and type of CIM. Overall, 163 articles met inclusion. Of these, 68 (41.7%) were considered high-quality trials. Articles published per year increased over time (p < 0.01). Frequently identified therapies were biologically based therapies (47.9%), erapy and can inform how radiation oncologists advise their patients about CIM.Pregnancy is a physiological condition with reversible hemodynamic, neurohormonal and coagulation changes to the maternal body during this 9‑month period. The occurrence of atrial fibrillation (AF) is altogether rare among pregnant women, but necessitates immediate treatment und further work-up. Despite numerous pharmacological and invasive therapeutic modalities for AF in non-pregnant patients, very few options are considered safe enough for the fetus and the mother during pregnancy. Commonly used medications such as beta blockers, calcium channel antagonists, antiarrhythmic drugs and anticoagulation therapy must be carefully individualized according to the week of gestation and possible underlying comorbidities of the mother, thus highlighting the importance of an interdisciplinary evaluation by a cardiologist and a gynecologist. The current review summarizes the existing knowledge and treatment options for AF in pregnancy and suggests a simplified algorithm for this clinical constellation.Spring drought episodes are becoming more frequent and intensive in European temperate forests. To study tree resilience to spring drought, Norway spruce seedlings were exposed to three levels of drought stress (well-watered (W), moderately stressed (M), and severely stressed (S)) for 42 days and then fully irrigated for 14 days. Drought strongly reduced gas exchange parameters for both M and S seedlings. After 42 days, stomatal conductance was lower by 83% and 97% in M and S, respectively, than in W seedlings. Respiration prevailed over photosynthesis in S seedlings at the end of the drought period. Drought mostly reduced longitudinal growth, especially in shoots and needles. Xylem growth reduction was caused mainly by lower number of newly produced tracheids, not by changes in their size. Norway spruce seedlings showed good resilience to spring drought, as the observed physiological parameters started to recover after rewatering and seedlings started to sprout and form new tracheids. In M seedlings, all physiological traits recovered to the level of W seedlings during the 14-day irrigation period but the recovery took longer in S seedlings. Shoots and needles did not regrow in length but leaf mass per area increased during the recovery phase. To conclude, Norway spruce seedlings showed good resilience to spring single-drought-event, but time necessary to full recovery from stress could make seedlings more vulnerable to recurrent drought events.