2; 8.2]) more minutes of MVPA on weekend days; 84 fewer steps (95% CI [-253;420]) and 0.3 fewer minutes of MVPA (95%CI [-2.3, 3.0]) on weekdays. Lower public transport accessibility was associated with increased steps on a weekday (767 steps, 95%CI [-13,1546]) compared with fewer steps on weekend days (608 fewer steps, 95% CI [-44, 1658]). None of the associations between built environment factors and PA on either weekend or weekdays were modified by socio-economic status. However, socio-economic differences in PA related moderately to socio-economic disparities in PA-promoting features of the residential neighbourhood. The residential built environment is associated with PA differently at weekends and on weekdays, and contributes moderately to socio-economic differences in PA. The residential built environment is associated with PA differently at weekends and on weekdays, and contributes moderately to socio-economic differences in PA.Custom-made implants have recently gained attention in veterinary medicine because of their ability to properly fit animal bones having a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The effect of custom-made implants on bone soundness and the regeneration process is not yet clear. We fabricated a 3D printed Ti-6Al-4V custom-made bone plate that fits the shape of the dog radius, and placed it into the radius where an osteotomy had been made. The preferential orientation of the apatite c-axis contributes to the mechanical integrity of the bone and is a reliable measure of bone quality. We determined this parameter as well as the bone shape and bone mineral density (BMD). The bone portion which lies parallel to the bone plate exhibited bone resorption, decreased BMD, and significant degradation of apatite orientation, relative to the portion outside the plate, at 7 months after the operation. This demonstrates the presence of stress shielding in which applied stress is not transmitted to bone due to the insertion of a stiff bone plate. This reduced stress condition clearly influences the bone regeneration process. The apatite orientation in the regenerated site remained different even after 7 months of regeneration, indicating insufficient mechanical function in the regenerated portion. This is the first study in which the apatite orientation and BMD of the radius were evaluated under conditions of stress shielding in dogs. Our results suggest that assessment of bone repair by radiography can indicate the degree of restoration of BMD, but not the apatite orientation. Our aim was to determine if synergy weights and activations are altered in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and if these alterations could be linked to muscle weakness. In 22 children with DMD and 22 typical developing (TD) children of a similar age, surface electromyography (sEMG) of the gluteus medius, rectus femoris (REF), medial hamstrings, tibialis anterior, and medial gastrocnemius (GAS) were recorded during gait. Muscle weakness was assessed with maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC). Synergies were calculated with non-negative matrix factorization. The number of synergies explaining ≥90% of the variance in the sEMG signals (N90), were extracted and grouped with k-means cluster analysis. We verified differences in weights with a Mann-Whitney U test. Statistical non-parametric mapping (Hotelling's T2 test and two-tailed t-test) was used to assess group differences in synergy activations. We used Spearman's rank correlation coefficients and canonical correlation analysis to assess if weakness was related to modifications in weights and activations, respectively. For both groups, average N90 was three. In synergy one, characterized by activity at the beginning of stance, the DMDs showed an increased REF weight (p = 0.001) and decreased GAS weight (p = 0.007). Synergy activations were similar, with only a small difference detected in mid-swing in the combined activations (p<0.001). Weakness was not associated with these differences. Despite the apparent weakness in DMD, synergy weights and activations were similar between the two groups. Our findings are in line with previous research suggesting non-neural alterations have limited influence on muscle synergies. Despite the apparent weakness in DMD, synergy weights and activations were similar between the two groups. Our findings are in line with previous research suggesting non-neural alterations have limited influence on muscle synergies.The ongoing COVID-19 epidemics poses a particular challenge to low and middle income countries, making some of them consider the strategy of "vertical confinement". https://www.selleckchem.com/products/simnotrelvir.html In this strategy, contact is reduced only to specific groups (e.g. age groups) that are at increased risk of severe disease following SARS-CoV-2 infection. We aim to assess the feasibility of this scenario as an exit strategy for the current lockdown in terms of its ability to keep the number of cases under the health care system capacity. We developed a modified SEIR model, including confinement, asymptomatic transmission, quarantine and hospitalization. The population is subdivided into 9 age groups, resulting in a system of 72 coupled nonlinear differential equations. The rate of transmission is dynamic and derived from the observed delayed fatality rate; the parameters of the epidemics are derived with a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. We used Brazil as an example of middle income country, but the results are easily generalizable to other countries considering a similar strategy. We find that starting from 60% horizontal confinement, an exit strategy on May 1st of confinement of individuals older than 60 years old and full release of the younger population results in 400 000 hospitalizations, 50 000 ICU cases, and 120 000 deaths in the 50-60 years old age group alone. Sensitivity analysis shows the 95% confidence interval brackets a order of magnitude in cases or three weeks in time. The health care system avoids collapse if the 50-60 years old are also confined, but our model assumes an idealized lockdown where the confined are perfectly insulated from contamination, so our numbers are a conservative lower bound. Our results discourage confinement by age as an exit strategy.