Many studies are investigating the role of living and nonliving models to train microsurgeons. There is controversy around which modalities account for the best microsurgical training. In this study, we aim to provide a systematic literature review of the practical modalities in microsurgery training and compare the living and nonliving models, emphasizing the superiority of the former. We introduce the concept of non-technical skill acquisition in microsurgical training with the use of living laboratory animals in the context of a novel proposed curriculum. A literature search was conducted on PubMed/Medline and Scopus within the past 11 years based on a combination of the following keywords "microsurgery," "training," "skills," and "models." The online screening process was performed by two independent reviewers with the Covidence tool. A total of 101 papers was identified as relevant to our study. The protocol was reported in line with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Living models offer the chance to develop both technical and non-technical competencies (i.e., leadership, situation awareness, decision-making, communication, and teamwork). Prior experience with ex vivo tissues helps residents consolidate basic skills prior to performing more advanced techniques in the living tissues. Trainees reported a higher satisfaction rate with the living models. The combination of living and nonliving training microsurgical models leads to superior results; however, the gold standard remains the living model. The validity of the hypothesis that living models enhance non-technical skills remains to be confirmed.Level of evidence Not ratable. The combination of living and nonliving training microsurgical models leads to superior results; however, the gold standard remains the living model. The validity of the hypothesis that living models enhance non-technical skills remains to be confirmed.Level of evidence Not ratable.This paper examines the performance of US municipal governments over 1997-2012, and hence prior to, during and following the financial crisis of 2007-2008. Fully nonparametric methods are employed to estimate technical efficiencies of cities utilizing recently developed statistical results. The results strongly suggest non-convexity of the local governments' production set, calling into question the results of previous studies examining municipal efficiency that do not allow for non-convexity. We find strong evidence that production sets for municipal governments are different across time and across regions of the USA. Overall, we find that municipalities in the Midwest and South on average out-performed those in the Northeast and West in terms of both efficiency and productivity, and both before and after the financial crisis.COVID-19 threatens the world. Social distancing is a significant factor in determining the spread of this disease, and social distancing is strongly affected by the local travel behaviour of people in large cities. In this study, we analysed the changes in the local travel behaviour of various population groups in Hong Kong, between 1 January and 31 March 2020, by using second-by-second smartcard data obtained from the Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) system. Due to the pandemic, local travel volume decreased by 43%, 49% and 59% during weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays, respectively. The local travel volumes of adults, children, students and senior citizens decreased by 42%, 86%, 73% and 48%, respectively. The local travel behaviour changes for adults and seniors between non-pandemic and pandemic times were greater than those between weekdays and weekends. The opposite was true for children and students. During the pandemic, the daily commute flow decreased by 42%. Local trips to shopping areas, amusement areas and borders decreased by 42%, 81% and 99%, respectively. The effective reproduction number (R t ) of COVID-19 had the strongest association with daily population use of the MTR 7-8 days earlier.Two cerium molybdates (Ce2Mo3O12 and γ-Ce2Mo3O13) were prepared using either polymerizable complex method or hydrothermal process. The obtained powders were almost single-phase with different cerium valence. Both samples were found to have antiviral activity against bacteriophage Φ6. Especially, γ-Ce2Mo3O13 exhibited high antiviral activity against both bacteriophage Φ6 and SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19. A synergetic effect of Ce and molybdate ion was inferred along with the specific surface area as key factors for antiviral activity.Developing coping and self-care strategies has always been important for social work students as they prepare for work that can take a psychological, emotional, mental, and physical toll and adversely impact their health and well-being. The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented in its impact on social work education as it forced students to quickly transition to online learning and leave field sites abruptly to do remote activities. The degree to which and how social work students effectively coped with these changes has not been adequately studied, despite recognition that understanding how personal experiences and affective reactions influence professional judgment and behavior is a critical social work competency. To help fill this void, a mixed-methods study was conducted using video narratives and survey data to assess the coping and self-regulation skills of a cohort of undergraduate social work students. Findings indicate that these students experienced multiple stressors in all aspects of their biopsychosocial functioning due to COVID-19. Many coping skills learned for use with clients were demonstrated by students themselves. Self-sufficient, avoidant, and socially-supported coping mechanisms were frequently used and relied on by students. Use of self-distraction and active coping increased, while denial decreased within the first month after transitioning to remote learning. Implications of the findings for social work education, practice, and research are discussed.The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated an abrupt conclusion of field placement for social work interns at a comprehensive cancer center. In response to social distancing requirements, social workers, but not interns, were granted access to work remotely. Virtual programming became necessary to meet the interns' remaining educational requirements and provided an opportunity for proper termination from the program. This article will delineate the program redesign for oncology social work interns using remote/virtual modalities. This melded approach involved creating simulated clinical interactions, based on selected points along the illness trajectory targeting specific clinical competencies, which were presented to interns by phone and/or videoconference. Examples will be provided related to developing clinical skills and critical thinking and preparing for professional responsibilities within a broad range of healthcare settings. Guidelines for working with individuals, couples/families, and groups will be included.