The free (but not total) 1,25(OH) D level was inversely correlated with DBP (p < 0.01). Both free 1,25(OH) D levels and activation ratio were positively correlated with iPTH and calcium levels (p < 0.01). The activation ratio was highly correlated with levels of total vitamin D stores and free vitamin D metabolites (p < 0.001). Patients with PHPT had significantly higher free 1,25(OH) D levels and activation ratio compared to control subjects. We suggest that levels of free vitamin D metabolites and vitamin D activation ratio may provide additional values for the diagnosis and therapeutic choices in these patient populations with compromised vitamin D status. Patients with PHPT had significantly higher free 1,25(OH)2D levels and activation ratio compared to control subjects. We suggest that levels of free vitamin D metabolites and vitamin D activation ratio may provide additional values for the diagnosis and therapeutic choices in these patient populations with compromised vitamin D status. During the COVID-19 pandemic, elective thyroid surgery is experiencing delays. The problem is that the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing. The research purposes were to systematically collect the literature data on the characteristics of those thyroid operations performed and to assess the safety/risks associated with thyroid surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. We used all the procedures consistent with the PRISMA guidelines. A comprehensive literature in MEDLINE (PubMed) and Scopus was made using ''Thyroid'' and "coronavirus" as search terms. Of a total of 293 articles identified, 9 studies met the inclusion criteria. The total number of patients undergoing thyroid surgery was 2217. The indication for surgery was malignancy in 1347 cases (60.8%). Screening protocols varied depending on hospital protocol and maximum levels of personal protection equipment were adopted. The hospital length of stay was 2-3days. Total thyroidectomy was chosen for 1557 patients (1557/1868, 83.4%), of which 596 procedures (596/1558, 38.3%) were combined with lymph node dissections. Cross-infections were registered in 14 cases (14/721, 1.9%), of which three (3/721, 0.4%) with severe pulmonary complications of COVID-19. 377 patients (377/1868, 20.2%) had complications after surgery, of which 285 (285/377, 75.6%) hypoparathyroidism and 71 (71/377, 18.8%) recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. The risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission after thyroid surgery is relatively low. Our study could promote the restart of planned thyroid surgery due to COVID-19. Future studies are warranted to obtain more solid data about the risk of complications after thyroid surgery during the COVID-19 era. The risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission after thyroid surgery is relatively low. Our study could promote the restart of planned thyroid surgery due to COVID-19. Future studies are warranted to obtain more solid data about the risk of complications after thyroid surgery during the COVID-19 era.Extracellular nucleotides act as danger signals that orchestrate inflammation by purinergic receptor activation. The expression pattern of different purinergic receptors may correlate with a pro- or anti-inflammatory phenotype. Macrophages function as pro-inflammatory M1 macrophages (M1) or anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages (M2). The present study found that murine bone marrow-derived macrophages express a unique purinergic receptor profile during in vitro polarization. As assessed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Gαs-coupled P1 receptors A2A and A2B are upregulated in M1 and M2 compared to M0, but A2A 15 times higher in M1. The ionotropic P2 receptor P2X5 is selectively upregulated in M1- and M2-polarized macrophages. P2X7 is temporarily expressed in M1 macrophages. Metabotropic P2Y receptors showed a distinct expression profile in M1 and M2-polarized macrophages Gαq coupled P2Y1 and P2Y6 are exclusively upregulated in M2, whereas Gαi P2Y13 and P2Y14 are overexpressed in M1. This consequently leads to functional differences between M1 and M2 in response to adenosine di-phosphate stimulation (ADP) In contrast to M1, M2 showed increased cytoplasmatic calcium after ADP stimulation. In the present study we show that bone marrow-derived macrophages express a unique repertoire of purinergic receptors. We show for the first time that the repertoire of purinergic receptors is highly flexible and quickly adapts upon pro- and anti-inflammatory macrophage differentiation with functional consequences to nucleotide stimulation.A modeling system was used to calculate the resource footprints (land, water, nutrients, energy, fuel, electricity, and carbon) on a large scale in agricultural production systems (Iran as a case study), and this report is an introduction of this modeling system for future studies. Under irrigated conditions, the highest land footprint was observed in pulses and oil grains (0.6 ha t-1). The lowest water footprints were found in silage corn (300 m3 t-1), and the highest water footprints were observed in oil grains (4525 m3 t-1). The highest footprints of nitrogen were observed in maize (31.7 kg t-1), wheat (30.9 kg t-1), and oil grains (30.4 kg t-1), and the lowest value belonged to production of sugar crops (2.6 kg t-1). Most of the energy, fuel, electricity, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were occurred under irrigated cropping systems compared with the rainfed systems. Under irrigated conditions, the highest footprints of energy, fuel, and electricity and GHG emissions occurred in the production of oil grains, and their values were 24397 MJ t-1, 161 L t-1, 1195 kWh t-1, and 1699 kg CO2eq. t-1, respectively. In general, wheat production in Iran has the highest cost in terms of resource use (water, elements, energy, and carbon) compared with the other plant products. Livestock and poultry products (especially red meat) also had the highest ecological footprint among the products.The large pineapple's consumption and processing have generated a massive amount of waste yearly, which requires adequate treatment measures to avoid damages to the environment. Pineapple peel is one of the main residues obtained from this fruit and a promising strategy to take advantage of its potential is using it for biosurfactant production due to the peel's rich composition in fermentable sugars and nutrients, such as potassium and magnesium that favor the Bacillus subtilis growth and biosurfactant excretion as well. The current research performed a central composite design (CCD) with four independent variables (glucose, pineapple peel, potassium, and magnesium), evaluating substrates' influence on the surface tension reduction rate (STRR) and the emulsification index (EI24). The results indicated that pineapple peel has the necessary potential to act as a partial substitute for glucose and salt nutrients, minimizing the costs of supplementing with exogenous minerals. The highest surface tension reduction rate (57.