Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy with attosecond precision provides new insights into the photoelectric effect and gives information about the timing of photoemission from different electronic states within the electronic band structure of solids. Electron transport, scattering phenomena and electron-electron correlation effects can be observed on attosecond time scales by timing photoemission from valence band states against that from core states. However, accessing intraband effects was so far particularly challenging due to the simultaneous requirements on energy, momentum and time resolution. Here we report on an experiment utilizing intracavity generated attosecond pulse trains to meet these demands at high flux and high photon energies to measure intraband delays between sp- and d-band states in the valence band photoemission from tungsten and investigate final-state effects in resonant photoemission.Tree-ring chronologies underpin the majority of annually-resolved reconstructions of Common Era climate. However, they are derived using different datasets and techniques, the ramifications of which have hitherto been little explored. Here, we report the results of a double-blind experiment that yielded 15 Northern Hemisphere summer temperature reconstructions from a common network of regional tree-ring width datasets. Taken together as an ensemble, the Common Era reconstruction mean correlates with instrumental temperatures from 1794-2016 CE at 0.79 (pā€‰ less then ā€‰0.001), reveals summer cooling in the years following large volcanic eruptions, and exhibits strong warming since the 1980s. Differing in their mean, variance, amplitude, sensitivity, and persistence, the ensemble members demonstrate the influence of subjectivity in the reconstruction process. We therefore recommend the routine use of ensemble reconstruction approaches to provide a more consensual picture of past climate variability.The rapid emergence of drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) poses a serious threat to public health globally. Silver (Ag)-based antimicrobials are promising to combat antibiotic resistant S. aureus, yet their molecular targets are largely elusive. Herein, we separate and identify 38 authentic Ag+-binding proteins in S. aureus at the whole-cell scale. We then capture the molecular snapshot on the dynamic action of Ag+ against S. aureus and further validate that Ag+ could inhibit a key target 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase through binding to catalytic His185 by X-ray crystallography. Significantly, the multi-target mode of action of Ag+ (and nanosilver) endows its sustainable antimicrobial efficacy, leading to enhanced efficacy of conventional antibiotics and resensitization of MRSA to antibiotics. Our study resolves the long-standing question of the molecular targets of silver in S. aureus and offers insights into the sustainable bacterial susceptibility of silver, providing a potential approach for combating antimicrobial resistance.Much attention has been devoted to water's metastable phase behavior, including polyamorphism (multiple amorphous solid phases), and the hypothesized liquid-liquid transition and associated critical point. However, the possible relationship between these phenomena remains incompletely understood. Using molecular dynamics simulations of the realistic TIP4P/2005 model, we found a striking signature of the liquid-liquid critical point in the structure of water glasses, manifested as a pronounced increase in long-range density fluctuations at pressures proximate to the critical pressure. By contrast, these signatures were absent in glasses of two model systems that lack a critical point. We also characterized the departure from equilibrium upon vitrification via the non-equilibrium index; water-like systems exhibited a strong pressure dependence in this metric, whereas simple liquids did not. These results reflect a surprising relationship between the metastable equilibrium phenomenon of liquid-liquid criticality and the non-equilibrium structure of glassy water, with implications for our understanding of water phase behavior and glass physics. Our calculations suggest a possible experimental route to probing the existence of the liquid-liquid transition in water and other fluids.Social group structure is highly variable and can be important for nearly every aspect of behavior and its fitness consequences. Group structure can be modeled using social network analysis, but we know little about the evolutionary factors shaping and maintaining variation in how individuals are embedded within their networks (i.e., network position). While network position is a pervasive target of selection, it remains unclear whether network position is heritable and can respond to selection. Furthermore, it is unclear how environmental factors interact with genotypic effects on network positions, or how environmental factors shape selection on heritable network structure. Here we show multiple measures of social network position are heritable, using replicate genotypes and replicate social groups of Drosophila melanogaster flies. Our results indicate genotypic differences in network position are largely robust to changes in the environment flies experience, though some measures of network position do vary across environments. We also show selection on multiple network position metrics depends on the environmental context they are expressed in, laying the groundwork for better understanding how spatio-temporal variation in selection contributes to the evolution of variable social group structure.Obesity is the key driver of peripheral insulin resistance, one of the key features of type 2 diabetes (T2D). In insulin-resistant individuals, the expansion of beta-cell mass is able to delay or even prevent the onset of overt T2D. Here, we report that beta-arrestin-1 (barr1), an intracellular protein known to regulate signaling through G protein-coupled receptors, is essential for beta-cell replication and function in insulin-resistant mice maintained on an obesogenic diet. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/sch-900776.html Specifically, insulin-resistant beta-cell-specific barr1 knockout mice display marked reductions in beta-cell mass and the rate of beta-cell proliferation, associated with pronounced impairments in glucose homeostasis. Mechanistic studies suggest that the observed metabolic deficits are due to reduced Pdx1 expression levels caused by beta-cell barr1 deficiency. These findings indicate that strategies aimed at enhancing barr1 activity and/or expression in beta-cells may prove useful to restore proper glucose homeostasis in T2D.