There are facilities to input the requirements for; eligible study period, definition of exposed and unexposed groups, outcome measures and important baseline covariates. To date the tool has been utilised and validated in a multitude of settings. There have been over 35 peer-reviewed publications using the tool, and DExtER has been implemented as a validated public health surveillance tool for obtaining accurate statistics on epidemiology of key morbidities. Future direction of this work will be the application of the framework to linked as well as international datasets and the development of standardised methods for conducting electronic pre-processing and extraction from datasets for research purposes. GhBASS5 is a member of the bile acid sodium symporter (BASS) gene family from cotton and a plastid-localized Na transporter that negatively regulates salt tolerance of plants. Soil salinization is a major constraint on global cotton production, and Na is the most dominant toxic ion in salinity stress. Hence, insights into the identities and properties of transporters that catalyze Na movement between different tissues and within the cell compartments are vital to understand the salt-tolerant mechanisms of plants. Here, we identified the GhBASS5 gene, a member of the bile acid sodium symporter (BASS) gene family from cotton, served as a plastidic Na transporter. GhBASS5 encodes a membrane protein localized in the plastid envelope. It was highly expressed in cotton roots and predominantly existed in the vascular cylinder. Heterogenous expression of GhBASS5 in Arabidopsis chloroplasts promoted Na uptake into chloroplasts, which contributed to an increased cytoplasmic Na concentration. And GhBASS5-o dramatic decrease in the Na+ efflux from root tissues and the K+/Na+ ratio, especially under salt stress conditions. Furthermore, overexpressing GhBASS5 greatly damaged plastid functions and enhanced salt sensitivity in