Changes in biochemistry parameters were induced rapidly and changed with increasing As concentration and exposure time. The activity peak values of enzymes were 3-5 times higher and the activity maximum values of MDA were 1-3 time higher than their controls. The sensitivity of enzyme activities was generally much higher than that of MDA and CAT generally showed the highest enzyme activity. The results indicate that As contamination can be very harmful to soil enchytraeids and the endpoints of the ecotoxicity tests of soil enchytraeids can be used to complement existing soil As assessment systems or may be used alone for the assessment of soil As pollution.Field cultivation of Genetically Modified (GM) Bt-plants has a potential environmental risk toward non-target Lepidoptera (NTLs) larvae through the consumption of Bt-maize pollen. The Bt-maize Cry protein targeting Lepidoptera species detrimental to the crop is also expressed in pollen which is dispersed by wind and can thus reach habitats of NTLs. To better assess the current ecological risk of Bt-maize at landscape scales, we developed a spatially-explicit exposure-hazard model considering (i) the dynamics of pollen dispersal obtained by convolving GM plants emission with a dispersal kernel and (ii) a toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic (TKTD) model accounting for the impact of toxin ingestion on individual lethal effects. We simulated the model using real landscape observations in Catalonia (Spain) GM-maize locations, flowering dates, rainfall time series and larvae emergence date of the European peacock butterfly Aglais io. While in average, the additional mortality appears to be negligible, we show significant additional mortality at sub-population level, with for instance a mortality higher than 40% within the 10m for the 10% most Bt-sensitive individuals. Also, using Pareto optimality we capture the best trade-off between isolation distance and additional mortality up to 50 m are required to significantly buffer Bt-pollen impact on NTLs survival at the individual level. Our study clears up the narrow line between diverging conclusions those claiming no risk by only looking at the average regional effect of Bt on NTLs survival and those pointing out a significant threaten when considering the variability of individuals mortality.The analogues of biphenol A (BPA), including bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol B (BPB), are commonly used to replace the application of BPA in containers and wrappers of daily life. However, their safeties are questioned due to their similar chemical structure and possible physiological effects as BPA. To investigate the neurotoxic effects of BPA, BPS, and BPB as well as their underlying mechanism, IMR-32 cell line from male and SK-N-SH cell line from female were exposed respectively to BPA, BPS and BPB with concentrations of 1 nM, 10 nM, 100 nM, 1 μM, 10 μM, and 100 μM for 24 h. Additionally, 24 h exposure of BPA combining epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) (4 μM and 8 μM for IMR-32 and SK-N-SH respectively) were conducted. Results demonstrated that BPs exposure could promote reactive oxygen species production and increase level of malondialdehyde (MDA) while decrease levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD). Intensive study revealed that after exposure to BPA mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) dropped down and the protein expression levels of Bak-1, Bax, cytochrome c and Caspase-3 were up-regulated but Bcl-2 were down-regulated significantly. Moreover, apoptosis rate was raised and cell activity declined remarkably in the neuroblastoma cells. All the effects induced by BPA could be alleviated by the adding of EGCG, which similar alleviations could be inferred in IMR-32 and SK-N-SH cells induced by BPS and BPB. Furthermore, BPS showed lower neurotoxic effects compared to BPA and BPB. Interestingly, the neurotoxic effects of BPA on IMR-32 cells were significantly higher than those on SK-N-SH cells. In conclusion, the results suggested that BPA, BPS and BPB could induce oxidative stress and apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway in the neuroblastoma cells and male is more susceptible to BPs than female.Soilless revegetation is a cost-effective and eco-friendly method for the ecological restoration of gold mine tailings. However, due to gold mine tailings are high-salty, alkaline and low-nutrient, little research has been done on soilless revegetation of gold mine tailings. The aim of study was to apply soilless revegetation to gold mine tailings, and investigate the changes of physicochemical properties and microbial communities of tailings after soilless revegetation. Six selected herbaceous plants (Melilotus officinalis, Xanthium sibiricum, Festuca elata, Zoysia japonica, Amaranthus tricolor L., Artemisia desertorum) grew well on the bare tailings, and their heights reached as high as 16.28 cm after 90 days. After soilless revegetation, tailings salinity dramatically dropped from 547.15 to 129.24 μS cm-1, and pH went down from 8.68 to 7.59 at most. The content of available phosphorus (AP), available nitrogen (AN) and organic matter (OM) in tailings gradually improved, especially the content of AP and OM increased 53.36% and 52.58%, respectively. Furthermore, microbial metabolic activity and diversity in tailings obviously increased 70.33-264.70% and 1.64-13.97% respectively. The relative abundance of potential plant growth-promoting bacteria increased 1.40-3.05%, while the relative abundance of opportunistic pathogens and halophilic bacteria decreased 10.58-17.03% and 2.98-6.52% respectively. Such variations of microbial communities were beneficial for tailings restoration. This study provided insight into soilless revegetation and its impact on tailings microorganisms, which could be a new strategy for ecological restoration of gold mine tailings.Drought is one of the most common factors that limit plant growth and productivity. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) has recently been found to play a benefical role in protection of plants against environmental stress. In this study, we investigated the effect of SO2 on the physiological and molecular response of wheat seedlings to drought stress. Pretreatment with 10 mg/m3 SO2 significantly increased the survival rate and relative water content (RWC) of wheat seedlings under drought stress, indicating that pre-exposure to appropriate level of SO2 could enhance drought tolerance of plants. These responses were related to the enhanced proline accumulation in the drought-treated wheat seedlings that induced by SO2 pretreatment. Meanwhile, SO2 pretreatment increased the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD), and effectively reduced the content of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) in drought-treated wheat seedlings, suggesting SO2 could alleviate drought-induced oxidative damage by enhancing antioxidant defense system in plants.