Id involving identified medicines as probable SARS-CoV-2 Mpro inhibitors utilizing ligand- along with structure-based electronic screening process. Protracted febrile myalgia syndrome may be the first manifestation of FMF. It should be suspected in cases with prolonged and unexplained fever, severe myalgia, and high acute phase reactants. Copyright © 2020 by Istanbul Northern Anatolian Association of Public Hospitals.In this study, we aimed to present that incarcerated Spigelian hernia is an important cause of acute abdomen although it is rare and accounts for 1-2% of all abdominal wall hernias. Spigelian hernia arises from a defect in the aponeurosis of the transversus abdominis muscle, also known as the Spiegel fascia. This case analysis aims to present a Spigelian hernia case in which the sigmoid colon is incarcerated. The patient was referred to our emergency surgery clinic complaining of severe abdominal pain and a palpable mass in the left quadrant of the abdomen, presenting tenderness on the front abdominal wall. The symptoms suddenly emerged approximately eight hours ago before the patient was admitted to the hospital. The patient was taken into surgery after the ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) results suggested a preliminary diagnosis of incarcerated Spigelian hernia for which polypropylene mesh repair was performed. No recurrence was identified in the patient's control examination performed 22 months later. Incarcerated Speigel hernia should be considered as a cause for patients developing sudden stomach ache and mass, causing tenderness on the front abdominal wall for which mesh repair should be performed. Copyright © 2020 by Istanbul Northern Anatolian Association of Public Hospitals.OBJECTIVE In this study, we analyzed surgico-pathologic factors of mucinous type endometrial carcinoma and examined its frequency of recurrence. METHODS In this study, eleven cases, definitely diagnosed as pure mucinous type endometrium carcinoma between January 1993 and May 2013, were reviewed. RESULTS Of 1640 women with endometrium carcinoma, 11 (0.67%) of them had a mucinous cell type. Mean age of the study group was 55 years. According to the FIGO 2009, 10 (90.9%) cases were evaluated as stage I and 1 (9.1%) as stage IIIC1. The presence of lymph node metastasis was noticed in only one (12.5%) of eight patients who underwent lymphadenectomy. In this case, metastasis was detected in the pelvic lymph node. Four patients underwent adjuvant therapy as pelvic radiotherapy. Median follow-up time was 50 months (range, 5-84). Recurrence was observed in one (9.1%) patient with stage IIIC1 endometrial cancer in 30 months after primary surgery. The site of recurrence was only in the upper abdominal region. CONCLUSION Based on our study, mucinous endometrial carcinoma has good prognostic factors, and long term survival can be achieved surgically alone in patients with stage I. Copyright © 2020 by Istanbul Northern Anatolian Association of Public Hospitals.OBJECTIVE There are few studies investigating dermoscopic features of subcorneal hematoma, which is one of the imitators of acral melanoma. In this study, we aimed to describe dermoscopic findings of SH which will facilitate the diagnosis by reducing the use of invasive procedures. METHODS This study included patients with subcorneal hematoma. Clinical, demographic and dermoscopic findings of all the patients were retrospectively reviewed. The diagnosis of subungual hematoma was confirmed using a positive scratch test in all of the patients. RESULTS The findings showed that red-black (n=9, 45%) was the most common dermoscopic color followed by brown (n=4, 20%), red (n=3, 15%), black (n=2, 10%), brown-black (n=1, 5%) and red-brown (n=1, 5%). The most common pigmentation pattern was homogenous pattern (n=13, 65%). Eleven (55%) lesions showed globular pattern and eight (40%) lesions exhibit parallel ridge pattern. Eight (40%) lesions showed a combination of homogenous and globular patterns. The globules were disconnected from the homogenous pigmentation in six lesions. In two (10%) lesions, the globules were localized over the homogenous pigmentation. CONCLUSION The presence of homogenous red to brown to black pigmentation combined with globules may lead to the correct diagnosis in a subcorneal hematoma. Scratch test may be a practical and minimal invasive diagnostic option to confirm the diagnosis in suspicious cases. To our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive study focusing on the dermoscopic aspect of the subcorneal hematoma. Copyright © 2020 by Istanbul Northern Anatolian Association of Public Hospitals.OBJECTIVE There are many instruments to measure disease activity in ulcerative colitis. While determining clinical activity according to these instruments, many clinical and laboratory parameters are needed to be followed. Determination of disease activity with non-invasive and objective inflammatory indicators may be a practical and objective way. CRP/Albumin ratio (CAR) is an inflammatory marker that is considered to have prognostic value in various cancers, sepsis and acute pancreatitis. In this study, we aim to investigate diagnostic performance CAR in determining the clinical severity of ulcerative colitis. METHODS Between November 2011 and February 2017, hospital records and follow-up cards of patients with ulcerative colitis were reviewed retrospectively. One hundred forty-nine patients were included in this study. Patient's demographic data, laboratory values, clinical disease activity, according to Truelove & Witts criteria and endoscopic activity according to the Mayo sub-score and treatments, were r for the diagnosis of acute severe ulcerative colitis. Copyright © 2020 by Istanbul Northern Anatolian Association of Public Hospitals.OBJECTIVE Many checklists and scales have been developed to diagnose the autism spectrum disorder in childhood. However, self-applied questionnaires/scales that can be filled out by health professionals for assessing their knowledge and consciousness of this disorder are still limited. The Knowledge about Childhood Autism among Health Workers self-administered survey was developed by Bakare et al. in 2008. This survey was recruited by many study groups in developing countries. In these countries, knowledge regarding childhood autism is inadequate within community healthcare professionals. METHODS In our study, the agreed-upon Turkish version of the questionnaire was distributed to the 61 primary care physicians working in Maltepe District of Istanbul Province for the adaptation and validation. RESULTS The internal consistency coefficient (Kuder-Richarson coefficient of reliability-KR20) of the measurements attained from the Turkish version of the questionnaire was 0.70. The split- half reliability analysis demonstrated that the Guttman Split-half value was 0.