42 to 5.51). Sensitivity analysis revealed that no single study contributed significantly to our pooled OR calculations (ORs 2.52 to 3.57). Subgroup analyses stratified by publication date, nucleic acid target, HPV detection method and type, sample size, and region all demonstrated a positive association of HPV with IPSCC. There appears to be a significant association between HPV infection and malignant transformation of IPs. While HPV testing is not currently the standard of care for IPs, these data suggest a link between the two and suggest further studies should be performed to identify a link between the virus and malignant transformation. There appears to be a significant association between HPV infection and malignant transformation of IPs. While HPV testing is not currently the standard of care for IPs, these data suggest a link between the two and suggest further studies should be performed to identify a link between the virus and malignant transformation.In recent years, microflow cytometry has become a popular research field because of its potential to provide low-cost and disposable chips for complex cell analyses. Herein, we demonstrate a sheathless microflow cytometer which integrates a bulk standing acoustic wave based microchip capable of three dimensional cell focusing. Flow cytometry was successfully demonstrated using this system with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 2.16% with standard calibration beads. The sensitivities calibrated by rainbow beads are 518 MEFL in fluorescein Isothiocyanate (FITC) channel and 264 MEPE in P-phycoerythrin (PE) channels, respectively. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/phtpp.html The linearities are more than 99% in both channels. The capability of the proposed microflow cytometer is further demonstrated by immunologically labeled leukocytes differentiation in blood. This acoustic-based microflow cytometer did not require any sheath flows or complex structures and can be mass produced. Because of the simple fluid channel, the chip can be easily made pipeless, disposable for applications requiring no cross contamination. Moreover, with the gentle and bio-compatible acoustic waves used, this technique is expected to maintain the viability of cells and other bioparticles.An efficient method for the synthesis of DNA-conjugated 1,2,3-triazoles is copper (II) [Cu(II)-β-cyclodextrin]-mediated Huisgen cycloaddition ("click reaction") of DNA-conjugated alkynes with azides. However, a diverse array of building blocks is required to produce useful DNA encoded libraries, and the commercial availability of azides is limited. The method described herein generates azides in situ from aryl borates and TMSN3 , which then further react with DNA-conjugated terminal alkynes. © 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1 Conjugation of PEG linker to DNA headpiece Basic Protocol 2 DNA conjugated terminal alkyne preparation Basic Protocol 3 DNA compatible one-pot click reaction Basic Protocol 4 LCMS monitoring.Acceptor-acceptor (A-A) copolymerization is an effective strategy to develop high-performance n-type conjugated polymers. However, the development of A-A type conjugated polymers is challenging due to the synthetic difficulty. Herein, a distannylated monomer of strong electron-deficient double B←N bridged bipyridine (BNBP) unit is readily synthesized and used to develop A-A type conjugated polymers by Stille polycondensation. The resulting polymers show ultralow LUMO energy levels of -4.4 eV, which is among the lowest value reported for organoboron polymers. After n-doping, the resulting polymers exhibit electric conductivity of 7.8 S cm-1 and power factor of 24.8 μW m-1  K-2 . This performance is among the best for n-type polymer thermoelectric materials. These results demonstrate the great potential of A-A type organoboron polymers for high-performance n-type thermoelectrics. There is limited literature exploring the benefits of interactive wheelchair educational programs in medical student curricula. To identify the effect of an educational interactive wheelchair program on medical students' understanding of wheelchair use. Researchers hypothesized that the program would increase understanding. Repeated-measures survey study with postintervention comparison. Inpatient acute rehabilitation center. Out of 123 eligible fourth-year medical students on a mandatory physical medicine and rehabilitation clerkship, 79 students participated. All participants underwent a 2-hour educational wheelchair program consisting of (1) a disability lecture; (2) a video on the importance of proper wheelchair type and fit, wheelchair prescription, as well as recreational wheelchair use; and (3) an interactive wheelchair experience. Pre- and postsurvey Likert scale questions measured medical students' understanding of four main areas (1) impact of manual wheelchair use, (2) challenges of me wheelchair program to medical student curricula is recommended to improve medical students' understanding of manual wheelchair use and its impact on users.π-Extended curved polycyclic hydrocarbons have attracted widespread attention in not only chemistry but also materials science. We now report an anti -folded bowl-shaped bisdibenzocorannulene ( BDBC ), featuring a new chair-cyclohexane-like hexagon as a bridge of two dibenzocorannulene moieties. The neutral compound showed a multiple redox active property, and would be converted to the corresponding redox states through chemical reduction or oxidation. Chemical reduction of BDBC by stoichiometric addition of metallic potassium in the presence of [18]crown-6 ether, provided a radical anion BDBC •- and a dianion BDBC 2- , respectively; while chemical oxidation by silver hexafluoroantimonate (V), invariably converted neutral compound to an open-shell singlet diradical dication (BDBC •• ) 2+ . Our results revealed that structural consequence of both electron-reduction and oxidation, were closely related to release of ring-strain of bowl-shaped π-scaffold and imposed steric hindrance of the hexagonal bridge. In addition, the unusual open-shell nature of the dication could mainly be attributed to the changing of localized antiaromaticity in closed-shell structure to delocalized character in biradical, and thus emerging of weakly bonded π-electrons.