Compared to White patients without PCC, White patients with PCC were 14 times more likely to be discharged to hospice from index hospitalization (3.0% vs. 42.7%, P less then 0.0001). Conclusion In propensity-matched cohorts of seriously ill patients, palliative care consultation to discuss goals-of-care was associated with significant increases in hospice enrollment at discharge among both African Americans and Whites. Research is needed to understand how PCC influences decision-making by race, how PCC is associated with post-discharge hospice outcomes such as disenrollment and hospice length of stay, and if PCC is associated with improving racial disparities in end-of-life care.The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to high numbers of critically ill and dying patients in need of expert management of dyspnea, delirium, and serious illness communication. The rapid spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome-Coronavirus-2 creates surges of infected patients requiring hospitalization and puts palliative care programs at risk of being overwhelmed by patients, families, and clinicians seeking help. In response to this unprecedented need for palliative care, our program sought to create a collection of palliative care resources for nonpalliative care clinicians. A workgroup of interdisciplinary palliative care clinicians developed the Palliative Care Toolkit, consisting of a detailed chapter in a COVID-19 online resource, a mobile and desktop Web application, one-page guides, pocket cards, and communication skills training videos. The suite of resources provides expert and evidence-based guidance on symptom management including dyspnea, pain, and delirium, as well as on serious illness communication, including conversations about goals of care, code status, and end of life. We also created a nurse resource hotline staffed by palliative care nurse practitioners and virtual office hours staffed by a pall