for the neurons to survive and function after the injury. Reactive microglia (shown by high Iba-1 expression) leading to microgliosis comprise the first line of defense to phagocytose the dead cells [11]. Astrocytes act as the second line of defense leading to a process known as astrogliosis and upregulate GFAP and S100B to limit the damage [12]. Further studies are needed to explain the molecular mechanism/s of different astrocytes release such as A2 and their interaction with microglia after the lumbar puncture.Oxygen-18 and deuterium were measured in streamflow samples collected from 331 gauging stations across Canada during 2013 to 2019. This dataset includes 9206 isotopic analyses made on 4603 individual water samples, and an additional 1259 analysis repeats for quality assurance/quality control. We also include arithmetic and flow-weighted averages, and other basic statistics for stations where adequate data were available. Station data are provided including station code, name, province, latitude, longitude and drainage area. Flow data were extracted from the historical database of the Water Survey of Canada. Details on the preliminary application of these data are provided in "18O and 2H in streamflow across Canada" [1]. Overall, these data are expected to be useful when combined with precipitation datasets and analytical or numerical models for water resource management and planning, including tracing streamflow source, water balance, evapotranspiration partitioning, residence time analysis, and early detection of climate and land use changes in Canada.Dataset contains results of multiple parallel calculations using the tugHall simulator. Output data of simulations are variant allele frequencies for four genes (APC, KRAS, TP53, and PIK3CA) related to colorectal cancer. During each simulation tugHall stochastically reproduces Darwinian evolution for cancer cells and calculates clonal heterogeneity. The probabilities of stochastic processes depend on a correspondence matrix between genome information and cancer hallmarks. As a result, tugHall records variant allele frequencies for the final stage of evolution. The number of trials is several million to get rich statistics of stochastic processes. These data can be used for approximate Bayesian computation and other statistical methods to get personalized coefficients for patients with colorectal cancer. The procedure of usage data is explained in our paper [Bioinformatics, 36, 11 (2020) 3597] in which the part of these data was used.Detailed transcriptomic analyses of differentiated cell populations derived from human pluripotent stem cells is routinely used to assess the identity and utility of the differentiated cells. Here we provide single cell RNA-sequencing data obtained from ROR1-expressing lens epithelial cells (ROR1e LECs), obtained via directed differentiation of CA1 human embryonic stem cells. Analysis of the data using principal component analysis, heat maps and gene ontology assessments revealed phenotypes associated with lens epithelial cells. These data provide a resource for future characterisation of both normal and cataractous human lens biology. Corresponding morphological and functional data obtained from ROR1e LECs are reported in the associated research article "A simplified method for producing human lens epithelial cells and light-focusing micro-lenses from pluripotent stem cells " (Dewi et al., 2020).Despite the accessibility to porous architectures through various biofabrication approaches for tissue engineering, incorporating various active growth regulators within their matrices that act as biochemical cues is also an essential attribute for effective tissue growth. To address these facts, icariin (ICA)-encapsulated polymeric scaffolds are fabricated using a low-temperature extrusion-based three-dimensional (3D) printing technology for efficiently promoting osteogenesis. This approach not only resulted in the generation of porous architectures but also substantially maintained the bio-efficacy of the encapsulated ICA. Moreover, these composite scaffolds based on poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) and tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) encapsulated with ICA (ITP scaffolds) are systematically characterized using various techniques before and after printing. Furthermore, various investigations relevant to biodegradability, biocompatibility, ICA release, and osteogenic ability of the ITP scaffolds are explored. The intact physiochemical properties of the materials, sustained release of ICA from the scaffolds, and high biosafety at various levels ranging from cellular to animal efficiently promoted the proliferation of mouse bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) and their differentiation to osteoblasts. Together, the utilization of low-temperature extrusion approach provides a convenient and eco-friendly means of fabricating highly porous 3D architectures that supply the required growth regulators in their active form for tissue regeneration. Intraportal islet transplantation is a promising therapeutic approach for patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). However, despite being minimally invasive, the method has some limitations, such as short-term graft loss, portal venous thrombosis, and difficulty in collecting adequate amounts of islets. Subcutaneous islet transplantation on adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell (ADSC) sheets has been suggested to overcome these limitations, and in this study, we have examined its feasibility in T1DM pigs. Inguinal subcutaneous fat was harvested from young pigs and then isolated and cultured adequate ADSCs to prepare sheets. Islets were isolated from the pancreases of mature pigs and seeded on the ADSC sheets. T1DM pigs were generated by total pancreatectomy, and ADSC sheets with transplanted islets were administered subcutaneously to the waist ( =2). The effects of the islets on the ADSC sheets and on blood glucose levels were evaluated. Insulin secretion was measured by insulin stimulation index. Islet viability was higher on ADSCs compared to islets alone (91.8±4.3 vs. 81.7±4.1%). The insulin stimulation index revealed higher glucose sensitivity of islets on ADSC sheets compared to islets alone (2.8±2.0 vs. 0.8±0.3). After transplantation, the blood glucose levels of two pigs were within the normal range, and sensitive insulin secretion was confirmed by intravenous glucose tolerance tests. After graftectomy, decreased insulin secretion and hyperglycemia were observed. Subcutaneous islet transplantation using ADSC sheets can regulate the blood glucose levels of T1DM pigs. Subcutaneous islet transplantation using ADSC sheets can regulate the blood glucose levels of T1DM pigs.