Most previous studies on palliative rehabilitation highlight medical care, with occupational therapy (OT) primarily focused on normal and instrumental activities of daily living. This clinical report describes the case of a 35-year-old patient with prostate sarcoma with a poor prognosis who received OT to help him focus on participating in a meaningful occupation. Initially, the patient was depressed and withdrawn, but with OT, he was able to participate in an occupation, and his life became more active. Although the patient was at the end of his life, he was able to maintain a high quality of life during the limited time period.Abiotrophia defectiva is a nutritional variant streptococcus, with affinity for endovascular structures that cannot be cultured on non-supplemented media, leading to a delay in diagnosis. This case describes a 36-year-old woman with a previously known bicuspid aortic valve that presented with asthenia, myalgias and anorexia with 2-month onset. On admission, we documented fever and a systolic murmur. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed an oscillating mass attached to the aortic valve. The patient was admitted with a possible diagnosis of infective endocarditis. Later, blood cultures were positive for A. defectiva Due to severe aortic regurgitation and congestive heart failure, she underwent surgical aortic valve replacement. After 6 weeks of antimicrobial therapy, the patient experienced full recovery. Despite of its rarity, A. defectiva endocarditis is associated with significant morbidity with mortality and physicians must have a high level of suspicion to ensure a prompt diagnosis and provide the appropriate treatment.The Chiari I malformation (CM-I) is characterised by overcrowding of the posterior fossa and descent of the cerebellar tonsils and is associated with syringomyelia. With the increasing availability of magnetic resonance imaging, CM-I is placing a growing burden on neurosurgical services. However, its natural history remains poorly understood, and the timing and nature of surgical intervention is controversial. We present a case of a significant, symptomatic CM-I with associated syrinx which underwent complete spontaneous resolution over a 4-year period. Spontaneous regression of Chiari malformation and syringomyelia is exceedingly rare; a literature review reveals 15 other cases and only one case which underwent complete resolution. The present case and literature review suggest a more benign natural history of CM-I and support a more conservative approach to its management. Further studies are required to determine whether any factors can predict resolution for certain patient cohorts.Robotic-assisted surgery for the management of hepatic echinococcosis was introduced in 2016. The advantage it offers over laparoscopy is less rigidity with the use of the 360° rotation of the Endo-Wrist technology, thus allowing the preservation of the integrity of the liver tissue. Herein, we report the first successful robotic resection of the left lobe of the liver for hydatid disease in the Middle East. Our patient is a 71-year-old man found to have a large left hepatic lobe hydatid disease on CT scan. The hydatid liver disease was resected completely with an operation time of 130 min and minimal intraoperative blood loss. Patient did well postoperatively and was discharged home on day 2. Our experience shows that robotic surgery for hydatid disease of the liver can be safely performed, with an excellent outcome to the patient. It also provides unique technical advantages in the field of minimal-invasive surgery.A 35-year-old woman with acquired partial lipodystrophy (PLD) and features of type 2 membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN-II), presented with difficulty in her fine detailed vision over the past year. She had right amblyopia from a hypermetropic anisometropia with astigmatism, displaying a best-corrected visual acuity of 0.50 and 0.00 LogMAR, in the right and left eye, respectively. Funduscopy showed bilateral symmetrical drusenoid deposits most prominent in the temporal macula with clusters in the superior and inferior retina, outside the temporal vascular arcades. Multimodal retinal imaging was performed, which confirmed hyperautofluorescent drusen located between the retinal pigment epithelium and Bruch's membrane. Electroretinography showed bilateral mild peripheral macular dysfunction, but normal central macular function on the pattern electroretinogram. Both PLD and macular drusen, are rare as distinct disease entities, but an association does exist and may be linked to MPGN-II.Septic arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) is a rare pathology with very few documented case reports available in the literature. In addition, ACJ septic arthritis secondary to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a rarer pathology with only two previously documented case reports in the medical literature to our knowledge. We present the case of a 46-year-old man who was diagnosed with a confirmed ACJ septic arthritis secondary to MRSA following admission to the local trauma and orthopaedic service at a district general hospital. We aim to give an insight into this pathology and highlight the importance of the relationship between orthopaedics and microbiology in optimising patient care, particularly in a period of rising rates of antimicrobial resistance.A 14-year-old girl, a rear seat passenger on a jet-ski not wearing suitable protective gear, was 'jumping' waves at a low velocity when she was ejected backwards off the vehicle, suffering a complex and unusual hydrostatic perineal injury as a result of the high-pressure water stream propelling the jet-ski. She presented to the emergency room with rectal bleeding and perineal and abdominal pain. Initial investigations revealed signs of anorectal injury and both intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal free air and fluid, suggesting a possible rectal perforation. Proctoscopy confirmed the primary diagnosis and exploratory laparotomy revealed an intraperitoneal tear in the rectal wall. The tear was repaired, and protective loop colostomy was performed. Initial results of anal manometry, transrectal ultrasound and anal electromyography were unfavourable. However, 17 months after pelvic floor physiotherapy and biofeedback, the colostomy was reversed, and her continence has returned to her normal (preinjury) state.