Sleep and wakefulness are complex, tightly regulated behaviors that occur in virtually all animals. With recent exciting developments in neuroscience methodologies such as optogenetics, chemogenetics, and cell-specific calcium imaging technology, researchers can advance our understanding of how discrete neuronal groups precisely modulate states of sleep and wakefulness. In this chapter, we provide an overview of key neurotransmitter systems, neurons, and circuits that regulate states of sleep and wakefulness. We also describe long-standing models for the regulation of sleep/wake and non-rapid eye movement/rapid eye movement cycling. We contrast previous knowledge derived from classic approaches such as brain stimulation, lesions, cFos expression, and single-unit recordings, with emerging data using the newest technologies. Our understanding of neural circuits underlying the regulation of sleep and wakefulness is rapidly evolving, and this knowledge is critical for our field to elucidate the enigmatic function(s) of sleep.The potential use of cannabinoids for therapeutic purposes is at the forefront of cannabinoid research which aims to develop innovative strategies to prevent, manage and treat a broad spectrum of human diseases. This chapter briefly reviews the pivotal role of the endocannabinoid system in modulating the central nervous system and its roles on neurodegenerative diseases and brain disorders. Ligand-induced modulation of cannabinoid 1 and 2 receptors to modulate immune response, decrease neurodegeneration and pain are aspects that are also discussed.Over the past few years, considerable attention has focused on cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the two major constituents of Cannabis sativa, mainly due to the promising potential medical uses they have shown. However, more information on the fate of these cannabinoids in human subjects is still needed and there is limited research on the pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions that can occur in the clinical setting and their prevalence. As the use of cannabinoids is substantially increasing for many indications and they are not the first-line therapy in any treatment, health care professionals must be aware of drug-drug interactions during their use as serious adverse events can happen related with toxic or ineffective outcomes. The present chapter overview summarizes our current knowledge on the pharmacokinetics and metabolic fate of CBD and THC in humans and discusses relevant drug-drug interactions, giving a plausible explanation to facilitate further research in the area.The non-psychoactive component of Cannabis Sativa, cannabidiol (CBD), has centered the attention of a large body of research in the last years. Recent clinical trials have led to the FDA approval of CBD for the treatment of children with drug-resistant epilepsy. Even though it is not yet in clinical phases, its use in sleep-wake pathological alterations has been widely demonstrated.Despite the outstanding current knowledge on CBD therapeutic effects in numerous in vitro and in vivo disease models, diverse questions still arise from its molecular pharmacology. CBD has been shown to modulate a wide variety of targets including the cannabinoid receptors, orphan GPCRs such as GPR55 and GPR18, serotonin, adenosine, and opioid receptors as well as ligand-gated ion channels among others. Its pharmacology is rather puzzling and needs to be further explored in the disease context.Also, the metabolism and interactions of this phytocannabinoid with other commercialized drugs need to be further considered to elucidate its clinical potential for the treatment of specific pathologies.Besides CBD, natural and synthetic derivatives of this chemotype have also been reported exhibiting diverse functional profiles and providing a deeper understanding of the potential of this scaffold.In this chapter, we analyze the knowledge gained so far on CBD and its analogs specially focusing on its molecular targets and metabolic implications. Phytogenic and synthetic CBD derivatives may provide novel approaches to improve the therapeutic prospects offered by this promising chemotype.Cannabis sativa L. is a psychoactive plant that contains more than 500 chemical components. Even though the consumption (in the form of marijuana, hashish, or hashish oil) for recreational purposes, is the most popular way of using the plant, the knowledge of its components has also led to classify Cannabis sativa L. is a plant with medicinal or therapeutical use. Several comprehensive reviews have already been published focused on the chemical composition of Cannabis sativa. In this chapter, we will summarize relevant information about those components, which may help to understand its biological actions that will be described in the following chapters. Many patients with hand osteoarthritis (HOA) experience reduced health-related quality of life. This study sought to better understand the disease and treatment experience of individuals with HOA, explore any differences in experiences between erosive and non-erosive HOA sub-types, and evaluate content validity of the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ) in HOA. Thirty subjects from the United States (n = 15 erosive HOA; n = 15 non-erosive HOA) participated in semi-structured interviews concept elicitation explored symptoms/impacts important to patients; cognitive interviews assessed understanding and relevance of the MHQ. A sub-sample participated in real-time data capture (RTDC) activities via a smartphone/tablet app over 7 days. Verbatim transcripts were coded using Atlas.ti software and thematically analyzed. Concept saturation and MHQ content validity were evaluated. Most participants reported experiencing pain, swelling and stiffness, symptoms that most commonly had a direct impact on physicur findings suggest that disease experience is similar for patients with erosive and non-erosive HOA. Evaluation of stiffness and swelling items in conjunction with the MHQ may enhance relevance and improve measurement precision to assess important domains of HQRoL in an HOA population. This study characterizes key symptoms of HOA which are burdensome for patients and not well controlled by current therapies, highlighting an unmet treatment need. Although the study is limited by a small sample size that may not be representative of the broader erosive and non-erosive HOA population, concept saturation was achieved, and our findings suggest that disease experience is similar for patients with erosive and non-erosive HOA. Evaluation of stiffness and swelling items in conjunction with the MHQ may enhance relevance and improve measurement precision to assess important domains of HQRoL in an HOA population.