Vanadium extracted from centrifugal fraction of vanadium-storing blood cells after two-stage purification approach could be utilized in various applications, where a high chemical purity compound is required. However, to be used as a source of radiopure vanadium in ultra-low-background experiment aimed to search for 50V beta decay, it should be further purified by Electron Beam Melting against residual potassium. Nurses require leadership skills in order to fulfil their clinical role in an ever-changing healthcare environment. of such skills should therefore begin during their professional training. To identify the dimensions of leadership present among nursing undergraduates in the original Self-Assessment Leadership Instrument (SALI). This was a validation study involving the translation and cultural adaptation of the Self-Assessment Leadership Instrument (SALI) for use with nursing undergraduates in the Spanish context. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in Spain. Participants were 280 nursing undergraduates (years 1-4) from a Spanish university. The SALI was adapted following the back-translation procedure, and its psychometric properties (validity and reliability) were analyzed. The Spanish version of the SALI maintains the 40 items of the original scale. Scores on the Spanish SALI were positively and significantly correlated (0.542, p=.000) with scores on the General Self-Efficacducators to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching initiatives aimed at developing these competences.The development of T cell lymphomas in mice that constitutively express a single T cell receptor is surveilled by the action of NK cells. We investigated the effects of engaging the lymphoma TCR in this mouse model. We stimulated lymphoma cells expressing an ovalbumin-specific TCR in vivo using listeria monocytogenes as a vehicle. Infections with listeria expressing ovalbumin but not with control bacteria caused a stable change