Similar to the larger size of invasive breast carcinomas, HER2 positivity is associated with high-grade morphologic features in MiBCs. However, HER2 overexpression in MiBCs does not appear to be associated with nodal metastasis or worse outcome in our study cohort. The role of HER2-targeted therapy in this clinical setting merits additional study. Similar to the larger size of invasive breast carcinomas, HER2 positivity is associated with high-grade morphologic features in MiBCs. However, HER2 overexpression in MiBCs does not appear to be associated with nodal metastasis or worse outcome in our study cohort. The role of HER2-targeted therapy in this clinical setting merits additional study. The role of the drill sergeant is one of the most challenging within the US Army, involving unusually long hours and little time off, for a minimum of 2 years. The current study sought to examine the behavioral health of this population and identify risk factors that might be addressed by policy changes. In total, 856 drill sergeants across all Army basic training sites completed surveys from September to November of 2018. Drill sergeants identified factors that had caused stress or worry during their assignment. Rates were measured for behavioral health outcomes including depression, insomnia, anxiety, burnout, functional impairment, alcohol misuse, aggression, and low morale. Potential risk and resilience factors included time as a drill sergeant, sleep, route of assignment, general leadership, health-promoting leadership, and drill sergeant camaraderie. The study was approved by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Institutional Review Board. The most commonly experienced stressors were findingkload and allow sufficient time for recovery and sleep. This study is the first to examine behavioral health and morale of drill sergeants and to identify risk and resilience factors. Suggestions for policy changes include increasing the number of drill sergeants to decrease workload and allow sufficient time for recovery and sleep. Do adenomyosis phenotypes such as external or internal adenomyosis, as diagnosed by MRI, have the same clinical characteristics? External adenomyosis was found more often in young and nulliparous women and was associated with deep infiltrating endometriosis, whereas, in contrast, internal adenomyosis was more often associated with heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) but no differences were noted in terms of pain symptoms. Adenomyosis is characterized by the presence of endometrial glands and stroma deep within the myometrium, giving rise to dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain and menorrhagia. Various forms have been described, including adenomyosis of the outer myometrium (external adenomyosis), which corresponds to lesions separated from the junctional zone (JZ), and adenomyosis of the inner myometrium (internal adenomyosis), which is mostly characterized by endometrial implants scattered throughout the myometrium and enlargement of the JZ. Although the pathogenesis of adenomyosis is not clearly understood, several l0.001) compared to the women with external adenomyosis. No differences in the pain scores (i.e. dysmenorrhea, non-cyclic pelvic pain and dyspareunia) were observed between the two groups. The exclusive inclusion of surgical patients could constitute a possible selection bias, as the women referred to our center may have suffered from particularly severe clinical symptoms. Further studies are needed to explore the pathogenesis by which these types of adenomyosis occur. This could help with the development of new treatment strategies specific for each entity. none. N/A. N/A. The scant data about non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis, including tuberculosis sequelae and impairment of lung function, can bias the preoperative physiological assessment. Our goal was to evaluate the changes in lung function and exercise capacity following pulmonary resection in these patients; we also looked for outcome predictors. We performed a non-randomized prospective study evaluating lung function changes in patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis treated with pulmonary resection. Patients performed lung function tests and cardiopulmonary exercise tests preoperatively and 3 and 9 months after the operation. Demographic data, comorbidities, surgical data and complications were collected. Forty-four patients were evaluated for lung function. After resection, the patients had slightly lower values for spirometry forced expiratory volume in 1 s preoperatively 2.21 l ± 0.8; at 3 months 1.9 l ± 0.8 and at 9 months 2.0 l ± 0.8, but the relationship between the forced expiratory volume in 1 solume in 1 s had an excellent correlation with the measurements at 3 and 9 months; but the calculated PPO capacity for carbon monoxide and the PPO peak oxygen consumption slightly underestimated the 3- and 9-month values. However, none of them was a predictor for complications. Better tools to predict postoperative complications for patients with bronchiectasis who are candidates for lung resection are needed. NCT01268475. NCT01268475. This factorial, assessor-blinded, randomized, and controlled study compared the effects of perturbation-induced step training (lateral waist-pulls), hip muscle strengthening, and their combination, on balance performance, muscle strength, and prospective falls among older adults. community-dwelling older adults were randomized to four training groups. Induced-step training (IST, n=25) involved 43 progressive perturbations. Hip abduction strengthening (HST, n=25) utilized progressive resistance exercises. Combined training (CMB, n=25) included IST and HST, and the control performed seated flexibility/relaxation exercises (SFR, n=27). Training involved 36 sessions over 12-weeks. The primary outcomes were the number of recovery steps and first step length, and maximum hip abduction torque. Fall frequency during 12 months after training was determined. Overall, the number of recovery steps was reduced by 31%, and depended upon the first step type. IST and CMB increased the rate of more stable single lateral steps pre-post training than HST and SFR who used more multiple crossover and sequential steps.