To show a case of severe pelvic arteriovenous malformation (AVM) treated by laparoscopic internal iliac artery ligation after 2 uterine artery embolization (UAE) procedures, where successful pregnancy was achieved after surgery. Stepwise demonstration of the technique with a video. Chinese PLA General Hospital. A 36-year-old woman with heavy menstrual bleeding was diagnosed with pelvic AVM by computed tomography scan. Before surgical intervention, she underwent 2 UAE procedures that temporarily reduced menstrual blood loss. Finally, we performed a laparoscopic internal iliac artery ligation on her. After the surgery, she conceived naturally. During the cesarean section, no AVMs were found. Laparoscopic internal iliac artery ligation can be a choice for patients who still have severe symptoms of AVM after UAE. Laparoscopic internal iliac artery ligation can be a choice for patients who still have severe symptoms of AVM after UAE.Intramuscular fat (IMF) content is an important factor in porcine meat quality. Previous studies have screened multiple candidate genes related to IMF deposition, but the lipids that affect IMF deposition and their lipid-protein network remain unknown. In this study, we performed proteomic and lipidomic analyses of the longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle from high-IMF (IMFH) and low-IMF (IMF-L) groups of Xidu black pigs. Eighty-eight proteins and 143 lipids were differentially abundant between the groups. The differentially abundant proteins were found to be involved in cholesterol metabolism, the PPAR signaling pathway, and ferroptosis. The triacylglycerols (TAGs) upregulated in the IMF-H group were mainly shown to be synthesized by saturated fatty acids (SFAs), while the downregulated TAGs were mainly synthesized by polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). All differentially abundant phosphatidylinositols (PIs) and phosphatidylserines (PSs) were found to be upregulated in the IMF-H group. A correlation analysis of thfies the difference in protein and lipid compositions in longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle with high and low IMF contents. This information suggests that it would be beneficial to increase the intramuscular fat content of pork not only from a genetic perspective but also from a nutritional perspective.Millipedes are among the most diverse and abundant arthropods in terrestrial environments. However, little is known about their innate immune response against invading pathogenic microorganisms, which is very intriguing considering that the evolutionary success of millipedes is largely due to this complex and primitive defense system, since it allowed them to colonize a wide variety of microhabitats characterized by their high microbial proliferation. Accordingly, the aim of the present work was to determine the presence of antimicrobial peptides in the hemolymph of the millipede Rhinocricus sp. In total, four native peptides with potent antimicrobial activity against different microorganisms, lack of cytotoxicity against Vero cells and lack of hemolytic effects against human erythrocytes were isolated and named RP40-16, RP40-19, RP40-20/1 and RP40-20/2. The analysis with bioinformatics tools suggested that these peptides may be encrypted in large proteins present in the plasma Hemocyanin and thioester-containing protein. Considering these results, it can be said that millipede hemolymph represents a promising source of molecules with potential for the development of non-conventional antibiotics. Therefore, in order to have a clearer notion of the biotechnological potential and the role of these peptides in the innate immune response of Rhinocricus sp., future studies should focus on elucidating their mechanisms of action, as well as additional biological properties.Reproduction and growth follow a seasonal pattern in many fish species involving changes in gonadal development, growth, and metabolism. Significant metabolic energy is needed during gametogenesis in both female and male to produce hundreds of eggs and billions of sperms. Seasonal variations are controlled by the hormones of brain-pituitary-peripheral axis and are accompanied by significant metabolic changes. There is evidence that GnRH and GnIH are among the key neurohormones that regulate the reciprocal control of growth and reproduction. The objective of this study was to investigate changes in metabolic profile and energy allocation patterns at different stages of reproduction, using goldfish as a model organism and LC-MS as analytical platform for metabolic analysis. Goldfish undergoes a clear seasonal cycle of growth and reproduction. In vivo experiments were conducted at three different time point of the annual cycle regressed gonadal phase (peak growth phase), mid gametogenesis and late gametogenesis.cesses. Together our findings present a framework for better understanding of the hormonally induced changes in metabolism to energetically sustain growth and reproduction in fish and other oviparous species undergoing seasonal cycle.Mass spectrometry-based proteomics relies on dedicated software for peptide and protein identification. These software include open-source or commercial-based search engines; wherein, they employ different algorithms to establish their scoring and identified proteins. Although previous comparative studies have differentiated the proteomics results from different software, there are still yet studies specifically been conducted to compare and evaluate the search engine in the field of halal analysis. This is important because the halal analysis is often using commercial meat samples that have been subjected to various processing, further complicating its analysis. Thus, this study aimed to assess three open-source search engines (Comet, X! Tandem, and ProteinProspector) and a commercial-based search engine (ProteinPilotâ„¢) against 135 raw tandem mass spectrometry data files from 15 types of pork-based food products for halal analysis. Each database search engine contained high false-discovery rate (FDR); howevem/datasets/6dmm8659rm/3. Thus far, this is the first and new attempt at establishing a spectral library for halal proteomics. We also believe this study is a pioneer for halal proteomics that aimed at non-conventional and non-model organism proteomics, protein analytics, protein bioinformatics, and potential biomarker discovery.