The fault and event detection module is based on a methodology that combines time and spatial models obtained from historical data that are integrated with a discrete-event system and are able to distinguish between a quality event or a sensor fault. The prognosis module analyses the quality sensor time series forecasting the degradation and therefore providing a predictive maintenance plan avoiding unsafe situations in the WDS.Overweight and obesity are among the most prominent health problems in the modern world, mostly because they are either associated with or increase the risk of other diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and/or cancer. Most professional organizations define overweight and obesity according to individual body-mass index (BMI, weight in kilograms divided by height squared in meters). Overweight is defined as individuals with BMI from 25 to 29, and obesity as individuals with BMI ≥30. Obesity is the result of genetic, behavioral, environmental, physiological, social, and cultural factors that result in energy imbalance and promote excessive fat deposition. Despite all the knowledge concerning the pathophysiology of obesity, which is considered a disease, none of the existing treatments alone or in combination can normalize blood glucose concentration and prevent debilitating complications from obesity. This review discusses some new perspectives for overweight and obesity treatments, including the use of the new orally active cannabinoid peptide Pep19, the advantage of which is the absence of undesired central nervous system effects usually experienced with other cannabinoids.The formation of elongated zirconium hydride platelets during corrosion of nuclear fuel clad is linked to its premature failure due to embrittlement and delayed hydride cracking. Despite their importance, however, most existing models of hydride nucleation and growth in Zr alloys are phenomenological and lack sufficient physical detail to become predictive under the variety of conditions found in nuclear reactors during operation. Moreover, most models ignore the dynamic nature of clad oxidation, which requires that hydrogen transport and precipitation be considered in a scenario where the oxide layer is continuously growing at the expense of the metal substrate. In this paper, we perform simulations of hydride formation in Zr clads with a moving oxide/metal boundary using a stochastic kinetic diffusion/reaction model parameterized with state-of-the-art defect and solute energetics. Our model uses the solutions of the hydrogen diffusion problem across an increasingly-coarse oxide layer to define boundary conditions for the kinetic simulations of hydrogen penetration, precipitation, and dissolution in the metal clad. Our method captures the spatial dependence of the problem by discretizing all spatial derivatives using a stochastic finite difference scheme. Our results include hydride number densities and size distributions along the radial coordinate of the clad for the first 1.6 h of evolution, providing a quantitative picture of hydride incipient nucleation and growth under clad service conditions.Unicellular eukaryotes of the Trypanosomatidae family include human and animal pathogens that belong to the Trypanosoma and Leishmania genera. Diagnosis of the diseases they cause requires the sampling of body fluids (e.g., blood, lymph, peritoneal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid) or organ biopsies (e.g., bone marrow, spleen), which are mostly obtained through invasive methods. Body fluids or appendages can be alternatives to these invasive biopsies but appropriateness remains poorly studied. To further address this question, we perform a systematic review on clues evidencing the presence of parasites, genetic material, antibodies, and antigens in body secretions, appendages, or the organs or proximal tissues that produce these materials. Paper selection was based on searches in PubMed, Web of Science, WorldWideScience, SciELO, Embase, and Google. The information of each selected article (n = 333) was classified into different sections and data were extracted from 77 papers. The presence of Trypanosomatidae parasiTrypanosomatidae parasites.In this study, a novel classification method for a driver's cognitive stress level was proposed, whereby the interbeat intervals extracted from an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal were transferred to pictures, and a convolution neural network (CNN) was used to train the pictures to classify a driver's cognitive stress level. First, we defined three levels of tasks and collected the ECG signal of the driver at different cognitive stress levels by designing and performing a driving simulation experiment. We extracted the interbeat intervals and converted them to pictures according to the number of consecutive interbeat intervals in each picture. Second, the CNN model was used to train the data set to recognize the cognitive stress levels. Classification accuracies of 100%, 91.6% and 92.8% were obtained for the training set, validation set and test set, respectively, and were compared with those the BP neural network. Last, we discussed the influence of the number of interbeat intervals in each picture on the performance of the proposed classification method. The results showed that the performance initially improved with an increase in the number of interbeat intervals. A downward trend was observed when the number exceeded 40, and when the number was 40, the model performed best with the highest accuracy (98.79%) and a relatively low relative standard deviation (0.019).Nanodiamonds coated with dopamine-squaramide compounds have been prepared by a calcination/esterification synthetic process, which improves the efficiency of this carbonaceous material with respect to non-functionalized nanodiamonds. The modified nanodiamonds show excellent selective coordination of Ag+ and Au3+ cations in a Cd2+, Co2+, Cr3+, Cu2+, Pb2+, and Zn2+ mixture in water. The coordination capacity of the carbonyl squaramide groups with the silver and gold cation is based on purely electrostatic cation-dipole interactions. Overall, it is demonstrated that the conjunction between the nanodiamonds and the organic receptor improves the selectivity of the material toward noble cations.