These factors are seen as the most important in the United States, Canada and the Netherlands, although there are several differences between these countries in their payment structure, and industry and malpractice policy. Policy-makers and researchers that aim to reduce low-value care have experienced that clinicians face a mix of interdependent factors regarding the healthcare system and culture that lead them to provide low-value care. Better awareness and understanding of these factors can help policy-makers to facilitate clinicians and medical centers to deliver high-value care. Policy-makers and researchers that aim to reduce low-value care have experienced that clinicians face a mix of interdependent factors regarding the healthcare system and culture that lead them to provide low-value care. Better awareness and understanding of these factors can help policy-makers to facilitate clinicians and medical centers to deliver high-value care. Industry involvement in alcohol policy is highly contentious. The Drink Free Days (DFD) campaign (2018- 2019) run by Public Health England (PHE), an executive agency of government, and Drinkaware, an industry-funded 'alcohol education charity' to encourage middle-aged drinkers to abstain from drinking on some days was criticised for perceived industry involvement. We examine the extent to which the DFD campaign was supported by local-authority Directors of Public Health (DPHs) in England - which have a statutory remit for promoting population health within their locality - and their reasons for this. Our mixed-methods approach included a stakeholder mapping, online survey, and semi-structured interviews. The stakeholder mapping provided the basis for sampling survey and interview respondents. In total, 25 respondents completed the survey, and we conducted 21 interviews with DPHs and their local authority (LA) representatives. We examined survey responses, and coded free-text survey and interview responsesindustries and policy contexts. The findings highlight the dangers of industry partnership and potential conflicts of interest for government agencies and the ineffectiveness of the campaigns they run at local and national levels. They demonstrate the need for caution in engaging with industry-associated bodies at all levels of government and are thus of potential relevance to studies of other health-harming industries and policy contexts. The demand for and use of Traditional and Complementary Medicine (T & CM) has recently increased worldwide drawing a public health attention including malpractice, which puts the health of its clients at risk. Despite efforts made by Tanzania to integrate T & CM in the health system to protect the clients, regulating the subsector has remained a challenge due to lack of information and operational factors facing the regulatory frameworks in Tanzania. The aim of this study was to determine the extent of imperfect information, regulation adherence and challenges among T & CM practitioners and regulators in Tanzania. In-depth interviews were carried out with T & CM practitioners in Dar es Salaam Region in Tanzania, and officials from the Ministry of Health and the study municipals. Purposive and snowballing approaches were used to select study participants. Thematic data analysis was done with the help of NVIVO. Awareness of regulations and tools used for regulating the T & CM operationtiveness of T & CM regulatory process. Awareness of regulations among practitioners, presence of knowledgeable regulators, as well as capacity would facilitate adherence to regulations. In order to relieve the financial burden of the patients in China, the Ministry of Health (MoH) conducted the first national price negotiation and successfully negotiated three expensive medicines including 2 targeted anticancer medicines (TAMs), icotinib and gefitinib. However, little evidence was available to demonstrate the impact of the national negotiation on TAMs use. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the implementation of the national price negotiation policy in China on TAMs use. We used interrupted time series (ITS) design to examine the changes in the daily cost, the monthly hospital purchasing volume and spending of icotinib and gefitinib with pharmaceutical procurement data from 594 tertiary hospitals in 29 provinces of mainland China between January 2015 and July 2017. The period between May and July 2016 was applied to assess the impact of policy. The daily cost of icotinib and gefitinib decreased by 50.08% ( <.001) and 53.89% ( <.001) 12 months after the national negotiatione medicines with clinical benefits into reimbursement schemes to alleviate patients' financial burden and promote their access to essential treatment. Complementary medicine (CM) use is a ubiquitous aspect of an increasingly consumer-driven model of healthcare delivery and plays an increasingly prominent role in the Australian health sector. Yet there is limited empirical research investigating the quality and integrity of protections for consumers in Australia. The aim of this study is to help address this gap in knowledge by exploring how members of the public engage with protection mechanisms related to CM use. This study utilised a cross-sectional online survey to recruit a sample of 1132 Australian adults aged 18 and over. Purposive convenience sampling was used to recruit participants from an existing database of Australian adults who had expressed interest in participating in research. The majority of the participants (64.0%) had visited a CM practitioner in their lifetime. However, a minority of participants (36.9%) indicated they would feel confident in knowing where to complain if something went wrong with the treatment they received from a eek proactive approaches that target complaint-related knowledge of the CM patients and consumers through education and advocacy efforts. During the first months of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, Iran reported high numbers of infections and deaths. In the following months, the burden of this infection decreased significantly, possibly due to the impact of a package of interventions. We modeled the dynamics of COVID-19 infection in Iran to quantify the impacts of these interventions. We used a modified susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered (SEIR) model to model the COVID-19 epidemic in Iran, from January 21, 2020 to September 21, 2020. We estimated the 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs) using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation. Under different scenarios, we assessed the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) including physical distancing measures and self-isolation. We also estimated the time-varying reproduction number (Rt ), using our mathematical model and epidemiologic data. If no NPIs were applied, there could have been a cumulative number of 51 800 000 (95% UI 1 910 000- 77 600 000) COVID-19 infections and 266 000 (95% UI 119 000-476 000) deaths by September 21, 2020.