TtrRSBCA primers, providing short detection times and constant melting temperatures of amplification products, achieved best overall performance. In pregnancy, vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased risk of fetal growth restriction and preeclampsia. The underlying mechanisms are not known, but placental dysfunction is believed to play a role. In a Danish population, where health authorities recommend a 10µg/day vitamin D supplement during pregnancy, we explored current use of vitamin D supplements and vitamin D status. In term placentas, alterations in vitamin D metabolism and placental growth, evaluated by the key placental growth factor pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A), and their relation to vitamin D insufficiency were investigated. We included 225 randomly selected pregnant women attending a nuchal translucency scan at gestational weeks 11-14. Information on use of vitamin D supplements and body mass index (BMI) at inclusion was obtained using self-reported questionnaires. Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D was measured at inclusion and correlated with pregnancy outcomes and placental biology, as judged by expression of PAPP-A th placental mRNA expression of CYP24A1 (P=.003; n=30). Despite high compliance with official guidelines regarding vitamin D supplements, vitamin D insufficiency was frequent and the findings indicate that vitamin D insufficiency may affect placental growth. High BMI was associated with vitamin D insufficiency and increased placental vitamin D turnover, but further investigations are needed. Despite high compliance with official guidelines regarding vitamin D supplements, vitamin D insufficiency was frequent and the findings indicate that vitamin D insufficiency may affect placental growth. High BMI was associated with vitamin D insufficiency and increased placental vitamin D turnover, but further investigations are needed.Otolith structure is a useful tool in discrimination among fish populations as it is a permanent record of the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors. In the present study we examined otolith morphology and fluctuating asymmetry (FA) for differences between wild-caught (by bottom trawl) and reared specimens of Gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). Based on the frequency of regenerated scales (degree of scale regeneration, SRD) on each specimen, a threshold of 30% SRD was used to assign wild-caught fish individuals as wild (≤30% SRD, LR group) or as possible aquaculture escapees (>30% SRD, HR group). Based on the analysis of elliptic Fourier descriptors, significant differences were found in otolith shape between reared (Rr) and the wild-caught groups (LR, HR). Reared fish had otoliths with significantly larger perimeter (OP ) than wild-caught fish. Furthermore, FA was significantly higher in the Rr than the LR group for OP and all except one shape descriptors (harmonics 2-7). The HR group exhibited intermediate levels of FA between the low and high FA levels observed in the LR and Rr groups. Results are discussed in terms of the value of combining otolith and scale morphology for the identification of escapees in wild Gilthead seabream stocks.The World Health Organization announced on 12 March 2020 a global pandemic of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus causing COVID-19 disease associated with pneumonia and acute respiratory failure. SARS-CoV-2 has caused so far over 6.66 million recorded cases, of which 393,000 ended in death (as of June 1, 2020). Despite the demographic statistics of incidence, there is no current recording of cases in the group of pregnant or perinatal women. Changes occurring in the female body system during pregnancy also affect and alter the immune system, and as studies based on other viral respiratory infections have shown, the population of pregnant women is at risk of having a severe course of the disease. The aim of the study is to summarize current reports on the course of COVID-19 disease in a group of pregnant women and the possible impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the foetus and vertical transmission, taking into account changes occurring in the woman's immune system during pregnancy. Available advice and recommendations for antenatal and perinatal care of pregnant women during the pandemic period are also included.Genital tract lymphomas are rare entities that can be diagnosed at advanced stages. The uterine cervix is not generally infiltrated by lymphoma. Nevertheless it can be seen as a consequence of either a systemic disease or primary disease. The infrequency of primary cervical lymphoma makes the diagnosis challenging.Our aim is to feature the management of ectopic pregnancy in a non-communicating rudimentary horn. It has a remarkable life-threatening potential, being rare and difficult to be considered during differential diagnosis of acute abdomen or sudden maternal collapse in early pregnancy. Therefore, this is a report of mid-trimester triplet's ectopic pregnancy which presented with sudden repeated syncopal attacks and hemodynamic instability that necessitated emergency laparotomy to treat ruptured non-communicating rudimentary horn. The rarity of this clinical condition can lead to multiple challenges. When a diagnosis is confirmed, the intervention plans should be independently tailored based on the patient's age, obstetric history, fertility wishes, as well as, surgeon's experience. Moreover, most cases passed unnoticed till complications took place. Thus, early diagnosis of Mullerian anomalies preconceptionally or even during the initial antenatal visits is crucial step regarding the avoidance of such catastrophic maternal outcomes.Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) concentration decreases with age, therefore, DHEA has been considered a hormone that reduces the symptoms associated with aging, so the usefulness of DHEA in premenopausal and postmenopausal women, and the options of hormone therapy have received a large amount of attention. The effectiveness of DHEA in the premenopausal women remains unclear, while in postmenopausal women with coexisting estrogens deficiency is controversial. Despite many years of study, the use of DHEA is still controversial, especially regarding its effectiveness. The aim of present article was to evaluate DHEA specific effects on metabolic parameters, bone mineral density, insulin resistance as well as the therapeutic potential of DHEA in pre- and postmenopausal women using measures of sexual activity, cognition and well-being. The summary of this article is the position statement of expert group of the Polish Menopause and Andropause Society regarding the efficacy and safety of DHEA supplementation in women.