Plant protection products, including insecticides, are important for global food production but can have adverse effects on nontarget organisms including bees. Historically, research investigating such effects has focused mainly on the honeybee (Apis mellifera), whereas less information is available for non-Apis bees. Consequently, a comprehensive hazard (sensitivity) assessment for the majority of bees is lacking, which in turn hinders accurate risk characterization and consequently bee protection. Interspecies sensitivity extrapolation based on body weight might be a way to improve the situation, but in the past such approaches often ignored the phylogenetic background of the species used, which in turn potentially reduces the robustness of such results. Published acute contact sensitivity data (median lethal dose per bee) of bees to insecticides, their body weight, and their phylogenetic background were used to build interspecies scaling models to predict bee sensitivity based on their weight. The results indicate that 1) bee body weight is a predictor of acute contact bee sensitivity to a range of insecticides, and 2) phylogeny (nonindependence of data points) needs to be considered in cross-species analysis, although it does not always confound the observed effects. Environ Toxicol Chem 2021;402044-2052. © 2021 SETAC. Adenotonsillar problems might affect the voices of patients with pediatric dysphonia, which is very common. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of dysphonia in patients with adenotonsillar problems and to demonstrate the impact of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (T & A) on their voice postoperatively. Single-institution retrospective study. Subjects were recruited from those children admitted for the purpose of T & A, and all underwent the auditory-perceptual assessment by speech therapists preoperatively. If children demonstrated scores >2 in the G parameter, we performed subjective (pediatr