In the surgical change from T1 to T2, the mandible (point B) of the CA group was significantly moved superiorly. Short-term changes from T2 to T3 revealed that the mandible moved forward in both groups, whereas the maxillary position showed no significant changes. Long-term changes from T3 to T4 demonstrated that none of the measured parameters showed any significant differences. Finally, the average of overall treatment time was 15.1 months in the SFA group and 26.0 months in the CA group. These findings suggest that SFA in bimaxillary orthognathic surgery for skeletal class III correction leads to predictable long-term skeletal stability, similar to surgery with CA. Furthermore, SFA reduced the overall treatment time compared to CA. These findings suggest that SFA in bimaxillary orthognathic surgery for skeletal class III correction leads to predictable long-term skeletal stability, similar to surgery with CA. Furthermore, SFA reduced the overall treatment time compared to CA.The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) has resulted in many deaths, particularly of very old or obese people. These people are at risk to die in the event of an outbreak, like under one-year old babies were at risk to die one century ago from various diseases. It is argued that mild stress could help people to resist new outbreaks. The people who are obese because of bad feeding habits (snacking, junk food, overfeeding) and inactivity should adopt more healthy behaviours. Because an inactive way of life at old age can increase frailty, physical and mental activities should be kept at the highest possible level in elderly people, particularly if they live in retirement homes. In the event of an outbreak, management staff of these homes should not confine residents in their room for weeks or months, as it can increase inactivity, under-nutrition, sarcopenia, and depressive symptoms. People with or without co-morbidities should be active and one could wonder whether other mild stresses such as sauna bathing could help to better resist infection.Historically, non-seminomatous germ cell tumor (NSGCT) has been considered a radio-resistant disease, excluding radiotherapy (RT) from curative strategies. However, case series exploring the use of radiation treatment in this setting are often outdated, and prospective ongoing studies testing new radiotherapeutic approaches in NSGCT are lacking. Considering that tremendous advances in radiotherapy technology have enabled improved precision in RT delivery as well as dose escalation while decreasing treatment-related morbidity, we overviewed the currently available literature to explore the radiobiological basis, the technical issues, and potential strategies for implementation of RT in the management of this clinical entity. The purpose of the present overview is to provide insight for future research in this unexplored scenario. In summary, the biological rationale for RT use and potential implementation with systemic therapies exist, especially considering the advantage of new technologies, which were unavailable in the era of early literature reports. The NSGCT radioresistance paradigm could be based only on the fact that effective treatment schedules were simply undeliverable with older RT techniques due to toxicity issues, but the availability of actual techniques may prompt further exploration to offer treatment alternatives to these patients. Ongoing trials on this issue are lacking, but potential areas of research are platinum-refractory disease and consolidation therapy for residual masses after PST.Euseius sojaensis (Ehara) is an effective indigenous natural enemy of some eriophyid mites and spider mites in Japan. However, pesticides that are toxic to it are frequently applied in commercial Japanese pear orchards until early summer, when the predator densities are at their peak. Here, we examined the suppressive effect of inoculative release of E. sojaensis on Eriophyes chibaensis Kadono and Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida under conservation control using selective pesticides from late April to late June. The densities of E. sojaensis peaked in early June. In E. sojaensis-release plots, phytoseiid populations were larger, E. chibaensis and T. kanzawai populations were smaller, and rates of leaf mosaic and russeting caused by E. chibaensis were significantly lower than in control plots. These results suggest that E. sojaensis can control E. chibaensis and T. kanzawai populations simultaneously. As it may be difficult to suppress E. chibaensis densities below the control threshold of 50 mites per leaf only by conservation using selective pesticides, enhancement and augmentation of E. sojaensis for sustainable control of mites should be considered as an option in commercial Japanese pear orchards. This study aims to assess craniofacial dimensions in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients treated with a mandibular advancement device (MAD) and to identify anatomic influences on OSA severity and MAD therapy outcomes. Twenty patients with OSA were prospectively treated with MAD. Clinical, cone-beam computed tomography, and polysomnography exams were performed before treatment and 4-6months after achieving the MAD therapeutic position. Polysomnographic exams and three-dimensional maxillary, mandibular, and upper airway (UA) measurements were evaluated. Pearson's correlation and t-tests were applied. Before MAD treatment, the transverse width measured at the frontomaxillary suture and the angle between the mandibular ramus and Frankfurt horizontal were statistically correlated with apnea and the hypopnea index (AHI), while the gonial angle was correlated with therapeutic protrusion. After MAD treatment, all patients showed a significant AHI reduction and an improvement in minimum oxyhemoglobin saturation. The UA total volume, superior and inferior oropharynx volume, and area were statistically correlated with MAD therapeutic protrusion. The UA total area showed a statistical correlation with the improvement in AHI, and the superior oropharynx volume and area increased significantly. The transversal frontomaxillary suture width and the mandibular ramus facial angle may influence OSA severity. The gonial angle, volume, and area of all UA regions may indicate the amount of protrusion needed for successful MAD treatment. The craniofacial characteristics reported as important factors for OSA severity and MAD treatment outcomes impact therapy planning for OSA patients, considering individual anatomic characteristics, prognosis, and cost benefits. The craniofacial characteristics reported as important factors for OSA severity and MAD treatment outcomes impact therapy planning for OSA patients, considering individual anatomic characteristics, prognosis, and cost benefits.