0% [95% CI, 34.91% to 96.81%] and specificity was 94.8% [95% CI, 90.68% to 97.49%] which was superior to full-field digital mammography sensitivity 50.0% [95% CI, 15.70% to 84.30%] and specificity 91.19% [95% CI, 86.27% to 94.78%] for breast cancer detection associated with different types of asymmetries. Conclusions Using of digital breast tomosynthesis in assessment of breast asymmetries can improve sensitivity and specificity in breast cancer detection and reduce number of unnecessary biopsies and short-interval follow-up examinations. Conclusions Using of digital breast tomosynthesis in assessment of breast asymmetries can improve sensitivity and specificity in breast cancer detection and reduce number of unnecessary biopsies and short-interval follow-up examinations. The aim To analyze our own results of diagnosis and treatment of newborns with NEC and obturation intestinal obstruction in order to determine theoretically important and practically significant recommendations on this issue, to optimize preventive measures for reducing intestinal obstruction cases in NEC and improving treatment outcome among newborns. Materials and methods Our supervision involved 143 newborns with NEC for the period from 2006 to 2020, including 79 boys (55.24%) and 64 girls (44.76%). Gestational age was 26-42 weeks. The majority of children were premature infants and numbered 121 children (84,62%). The assessment of clinical manifestations, progression of the disease, physical examination of newborns were used to help in diagnosing. All children underwent general clinical tests and instrumental methods of diagnosis including ultrasonography (abdominal organs and retroperitoneum, echocardiography, neurosonography) and X-ray examination (two-dimensional plain abdominal radiography, X-ray ntestinal obstruction in NEC in newborns is a reversible condition and requires conservative therapy. If symptoms of obstruction persist within 3 d