he DISCOVERY cohort will provide unique opportunities by its size and comprehensiveness to fill this clinically relevant gap of knowledge. The clinical significance of subsegmental pulmonary embolism (SSPE) is currently unclear. Although growing evidence from observational studies suggests that withholding anticoagulant treatment may be a safe option in selected patients with isolated SSPE, most patients with this condition receive anticoagulant treatment, which is associated with a 90-day risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) of 0.8% and major bleeding of up to 5%. Given the ongoing controversy concerning the risk-benefit ratio of anticoagulation for isolated SSPE and the lack of evidence from randomised-controlled studies, the aim of this clinical trial is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of clinical surveillance without anticoagulation in low-risk patients with isolated SSPE. SAFE-SSPE (Surveillance vs. Anticoagulation For low-risk patiEnts with isolated SubSegmental Pulmonary Embolism, a multicentre randomised placebo-controlled non-inferiority trial) is an international, multicentre, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel-group non-inferiority trial conducted in Switzerland, the Netherlands and Canada. Low-risk patients with isolated SSPE are randomised to receive clinical surveillance with either placebo (no anticoagulation) or anticoagulant treatment with rivaroxaban. All patients undergo bilateral whole-leg compression ultrasonography to exclude concomitant deep vein thrombosis before enrolment. Patients are followed for 90 days. The primary outcome is symptomatic recurrent VTE (efficacy). The secondary outcomes include clinically significant bleeding and all-cause mortality (safety). The ancillary outcomes are health-related quality of life, functional status and medical resource utilisation. The local ethics committees in Switzerland have approved this protocol. Submission to the Ethical Committees in the Netherlands and Canada is underway. The results of this trial will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. NCT04263038. NCT04263038. Few studies have assessed the efficacy of smoking cessation interventions in individuals with type 2 diabetes, but interventions adapted to the specific needs of this population are warranted. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of a smoking cessation intervention in a population of smokers with type 2 diabetes and to measure the metabolic impact of smoking cessation. The study is an open-label, randomised control trial. Participants recruited from a sanitary region of Switzerland will be randomly allocated to either the intervention or the control arm. The intervention group will have four individual counselling sessions over 12 weeks. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/gsk-2837808A.html Trained research nurses will conduct the behavioural intervention, using motivational interviews and addressing diabetes and gender specificities. The control group will have one short counselling session at baseline and will be given written information on smoking cessation. Both groups will have a follow-up visit at 26 and 52 weeks. Demographic and medical da002762; Pre-results. To examine the association between reimbursement rates and the length of stay (LOS). A retrospective cohort study. The study was conducted in Shenzhen, China by using health administrative database from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2017. 6583 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 12 395 patients with pneumonia and 10 485 patients who received percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) surgery. The reimbursement rate was defined as one minus the ratio of out-of-pocket to the total expenditure, multiplied by 100%. The outcome of interest was the LOS. Multilevel negative binomial regression models were constructed to control for patient-level and hospital-level characteristics, and the marginal effect was reported when non-linear terms were available. Each additional unit of the reimbursement rate was associated with an average of an additional increase of 0.019 (95% CI, 0.015 to 0.023), 0.011 (95% CI, 0.009 to 0.014) and 0.013 (95% CI, 0.010 to 0.016) in the LOS for inpatients with AMI, pnntries including China. People suffering from leg muscle weakness caused by neuromuscular disorders (NMDs) are often provided with leg orthoses to reduce walking problems such as increased walking effort, diminished walking speed, reduced balance and falls. However, evidence for the effectiveness of leg orthoses to improve walking in this patient group is limited and there is an absence of standardised practice in orthotic prescription. In 2012 a Dutch multidisciplinary guideline was developed aimed to standardise the orthotic treatment process in NMD. Although application of the guideline in expert centres (specialised orthotic care) seems beneficial regarding clinical effectiveness, larger studies are necessary to confirm results and investigate cost-effectiveness. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of specialised orthotic care compared with usual orthotic care in adults with slowly progressive NMD. A prospective randomised open-label blinded end-point study will be performed, in whid journals and media aimed at a broad audience including patients. The study is registered in the Dutch trial register (NL 7511) and the protocol has been approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam. Results will be presented at national and international scientific conferences and disseminated through peer-reviewed journals and media aimed at a broad audience including patients. Brazil's Bolsa Familia Program (BFP) is the world's largest conditional cash transfer scheme. We shall use a large cohort of applicants for different social programmes to evaluate the effect of BFP receipt on premature all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. We will identify BFP recipients and non-recipients among new applicants from 2004 to 2015 in the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort, a database of 114 million individuals containing sociodemographic and mortality information of applicants to any Brazilian social programme. For individuals applying from 2011, when we have better recorded income data, we shall compare premature (age 30-69) cardiovascular and all-cause mortality among BFP recipients and non-recipients using regression discontinuity design (RDD) with household monthly per capita income as the forcing variable. Effects will be estimated using survival models accounting for individuals follow-up. To test the sensitivity of our findings, we will estimate models with different bandwidths, include potential confounders as covariates in the survival models, and restrict our data to locations with the most reliable data.