The binding and displacement interaction of colchicine and azithromycin to the model transport protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) was evaluated in this study. Azithromycin, a macrolide antibiotic, has antiviral properties and hence, has been used concomitantly with hydroxychloroquine against SARS-CoV-2. Colchicine, a natural plant product is used to treat and prevent acute gout flares. Some macrolide antibiotics are reported to have fatal drug-drug interactions with colchicine. The displacement interaction between colchicine and azithromycin on binding to BSA was evaluated using spectroscopic techniques, molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulation studies. The binding constant recorded for the binary system BSA-colchicine was 7.44 × 104 whereas, the binding constant for the ternary system BSA-colchicine in presence of azithromycin was 7.38 × 104 and were similar. Azithromycin didn't bind to BSA neither did it interfere in binding of colchicine. The results from molecular docking studies also led to a similar conclusion that azithromycin didn't interfere in the binding of colchicine to BSA. These findings are important since there is possibility of serious adverse event with co-administration of colchicine and azithromycin in patients with underlying gouty arthritis and these patients need to be continuously monitored for colchicine toxicity.The world is currently going through an extremely stressful time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This exceptional and alarming situation could increase the incidence of mental health problems, including acute psychotic disorders. Our observation reports two cases of patients with an acute psychotic episode, with a delusional theme related to the coronavirus pandemic. The two patients, who did not have a previous history of psychiatric disorders, were hospitalized in our psychiatry department, after the start of mandatory sanitary confinement in our country. The clinical symptoms found were mainly a hallucinatory syndrome and a delusional syndrome with a religious theme, and delusional ideas centered on COVID-19. This case report suggests that intense psychosocial stress, caused by the current global crisis and confinement measures, may be a trigger for new-onset psychotic episodes, and impact the clinical and delusional expression of acute psychosis.Patients with schizophrenia represent a vulnerable population who have been understudied in COVID-19 research. We aimed to establish whether health outcomes and care differed between patients with schizophrenia and patients without a diagnosis of severe mental illness. We conducted a population-based cohort study of all patients with identified COVID-19 and respiratory symptoms who were hospitalized in France between February and June 2020. Cases were patients who had a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Controls were patients who did not have a diagnosis of severe mental illness. The outcomes were in-hospital mortality and intensive care unit (ICU) admission. A total of 50,750 patients were included, of whom 823 were schizophrenia patients (1.6%). The schizophrenia patients had an increased in-hospital mortality (25.6% vs. 21.7%; adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 1.30 [95% CI 1.08-1.56], p = 0.0093) and a decreased ICU admission rate (23.7% vs. 28.4%; aOR 0.75 [95% CI 0.62-0.91], p = 0.0062) compared to controls. Significant interactions between schizophrenia and age for mortality and ICU admission were observed (p = 0.0006 and p less then 0.0001). Schizophrenia patients between 65 and 80 years had a significantly higher risk of death than controls of the same age (+7.89%). schizophrenia patients younger than 55 years had more ICU admissions (+13.93%) and schizophrenia patients between 65 and 80 years and older than 80 years had less ICU admissions than controls of the same age (-15.44% and -5.93%, respectively). Our findings report the existence of disparities in health and health care between schizophrenia patients and patients without a diagnosis of severe mental illness. These disparities differed according to the age and clinical profile of schizophrenia patients, suggesting the importance of personalized COVID-19 clinical management and health care strategies before, during and after hospitalization for reducing health disparities in this vulnerable population.SARS-CoV-2 pandemics is characterized by a high level of infectivity and a high mortality among adults at risk (older than 65 years, obesity, diabetes, systemic hypertension). Following a common viral pneumonia, a multisystem inflammatory syndrome sometimes occurs, including an Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) carrying a high mortality. Unlike most common respiratory viruses, children seem less susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection and generally develop a mild disease with low mortality. However, clusters of severe shock associated with high levels of cardiac biomarkers and unusual vasoplegia requiring inotropes, vasopressors and volume loading have been recently described. Both clinical symptoms (i.e., high and persistent fever, gastrointestinal disorders, skin rash, conjunctivitis and dry cracked lips) and biological signs (e.g., elevated CRP/PCT, hyperferritinemia) resembled Kawasaki disease. In most instances, intravenous immunoglobin therapy improved the cardiac function and led to full recovery within a few days. However, adjunctive steroid therapy and sometimes biotherapy (e.g., anti-IL-1Ra, anti-IL-6 monoclonal antibodies) were often necessary. Although almost all children fully recovered within a week, some of them developed coronary artery dilation or aneurysm. Thus, a new 'Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome associated with SARS-CoV-2' has been recently described in children and helps to better understand Kawasaki disease pathophysiology.The hippocampus contains neural representations capable of supporting declarative memory. Hippocampal place cells are one such representation, firing in one or few locations in a given environment. Between environments, place cell firing fields remap (turning on/off or moving to a new location) to provide a population-wide code for distinct contexts. However, the manner by which contextual features combine to drive hippocampal remapping remains a matter of debate. Using large-scale in vivo two-photon intracellular calcium recordings in mice during virtual navigation, we show that remapping in the hippocampal region CA1 is driven by prior experience regarding the frequency of certain contexts and that remapping approximates an optimal estimate of the identity of the current context. A simple associative-learning mechanism reproduces these results. Together, our findings demonstrate that place cell remapping allows an animal to simultaneously identify its physical location and optimally estimate the identity of the environment.