Effective locomotor sites centered around the cuneiform nucleus and stimulation frequency controlled locomotor speed and stepping frequency. Off-target stimulation evoked defensive and aversive behaviors that precluded locomotion in the animals. Pigs appear to have an MLR and can be used to model neuromodulation of this gait-promoting center. These results indicate that the pig is a useful model to guide future clinical studies for optimizing MLR DBS in cases of gait deficiencies associated with such conditions as Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, or stroke. Pigs appear to have an MLR and can be used to model neuromodulation of this gait-promoting center. These results indicate that the pig is a useful model to guide future clinical studies for optimizing MLR DBS in cases of gait deficiencies associated with such conditions as Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, or stroke. When conducting clinical trials comparing over-the-counter (OTC) medications, the wide availability of these treatments are a potential challenge to maintaining study integrity. We seek to describe adherence to a study protocol involving widely available OTC medications. To prospectively evaluate associations between acetaminophen use and asthma in 300 children aged 1-5years, we conducted a double blind, randomized, controlled trial where parents administered blinded forms of either acetaminophen or ibuprofen as needed to their children over a 48week period. Written and verbal instructions encouraged the exclusive use of the blinded study medication and discouraged OTC use. Adherence was determined by evaluating the frequency of use of per-protocol blinded study medication compared to off-protocol use of OTC medications. 4195 doses of acetaminophen or ibuprofen were received by children during the study which included 3664 doses (87.3%) of blinded study medication adhering to the protocol and 531 doses ides a templ