The skew ray R¯n on the image plane of an optical system possessing n boundary surfaces has the form of an n-layered deep composite function. It is hence difficult to evaluate the system performance using ray tracing alone. The present study therefore uses the Taylor series expansion to expand R¯n with respect to the source ray variable vector. It is shown that the paraxial ray tracing equations, point spread function, caustic surfaces and modulation transfer function can all be explored using the first-order expansion. Furthermore, the primary and secondary ray aberrations of an axis-symmetrical system can be determined from the third- and fifth-order expansions, respectively. It is thus proposed that the Taylor series expansion of the skew ray serves as a useful basis for exploring a wide variety of problems in geometrical optics.With both radiation effects and thermal effects taken into consideration, a multiphysics thermal model concerning high-power Yb-doped fiber lasers operated with post-irradiated active fibers is established. Radiation-related parameters, including propagation losses, refractive indexes and lifetime, are considered. And, with the temperature profile of the active fiber, temperature-dependent parameters, including absorption and emission cross-sections, refractive indexes and lifetime, are updated every loop to simulate the output parameters. Simulation results show that radiation induces great changes to the thermal profiles of the active fiber. And severe performance degradation of high-power Yb-doped fiber lasers are recorded, featuring a remarkable drop in output power and an even steeper decline in the transverse mode instability threshold, which is a predominant limitation at high radiation doses. With a deposited radiation of 100 Gy, an output decline of about 50% and a mode instability threshold drop over 85% are observed. And it's shown that, with the exploited active fiber, it's hardly possible for the investigated fiber laser to generate stable single-mode output at kilowatt levels with accumulated radiation doses beyond 50 Gy. At low radiation doses within 20 Gy, to maintain safe and stable single-mode operation of the laser system, longer active fibers with lower absorption coefficients are preferred despite a small rollover of the output power.The use of the diffractive optical element (DOE) can often significantly reduce the size and enhance the performance of the optical system, but it is mostly prevented by low diffraction efficiency and serious speckle noise due to the quantization error. In this paper, an error tracking-control-reduction (ETCR) algorithm is proposed to suppress the quantization error, which adjusts the accumulative action, controls the current state and predicts the trend of the error. The simulation and experiment results verify that the ETCR algorithm has high diffraction efficiency which can be comparable with the Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) and Modified GS algorithms. Furthermore, the root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the proposed algorithm is significantly lower than that of the GS and MGS algorithms. Based on the proposed method, a 2-level DOE has been designed and fabricated to generate several grey images with only 0.05 RMSE.We propose multiwavelength-multiplexed phase-shifting incoherent color digital holography. In this technique, a monochrome image sensor records wavelength-multiplexed, phase-shifted, and incoherent holograms, and a phase-shifting interferometry technique selectively extracts object waves at multiple wavelengths from the several recorded holograms. Spatially incoherent light that contains multiple wavelengths illuminates objects, and multiwavelength-incoherent object waves are simultaneously obtained without using any wavelength filters. Its effectiveness is experimentally demonstrated for transparent and reflective objects.The advantages of quantitative phase microscopy (QPM) such as label-free imaging with high spatial sensitivity, live cell compatibility and high-speed imaging makes it viable for various biological applications. The measurement accuracy of QPM strongly relies on the shape of the recorded interferograms, whether straight or curved fringes are recorded during the data acquisition. Moreover, for a single shot phase recovery high fringe density is required. The wavefront curvature for the high-density fringes over the entire field of view is difficult to be discerned with the naked eye. As a consequence, there is a quadratic phase aberration in the recovered phase images due to curvature mismatch. In the present work, we have implemented sampling moiré method for real-time sensing of the wavefront curvature mismatch between the object and the reference wavefronts and further for its correction. By zooming out the interferogram, moiré fringes are generated which helps to easily identify the curvature of the fringes. The wavefront curvature mismatch correction accuracy of the method is tested with the help of low temporal coherent light source such as a white light (temporal coherence ∼ 1.6 µm). The proposed scheme is successfully demonstrated to remove the quadratic phase aberration caused due to wavefront mismatch from an USAF resolution target and the biological tissue samples. The phase recovery accuracy of the current scheme is further compared with and found to better than the standard method called principle component analysis. The proposed method enables recording of the corrected wavefront interferogram without needing any additional optical components or modification and also does not need any post-processing correction algorithms. The proposed method of curvature compensation paves the path for a high-throughput and accurate quantitative phase imaging.A fundamental challenge with fluorophore orientation measurement is degeneracy, which is the inability to distinguish between multiple unique fluorophore orientations. Techniques exist for the non-degenerate measurement of the orientations of single, static fluorophores. However, such techniques are unsuitable for densely labeled and/or dynamic samples common to biological research. Accordingly, a rapid, widefield microscopy technique that can measure orientation parameters for ensembles of fluorophores in a non-degenerate manner is desirable. We propose that exciting samples with polarized light and multiple incidence angles could enable such a technique. We use Monte Carlo simulations to validate this approach for specific axially symmetric ensembles of fluorophores and obtain optimal experimental parameters for its future implementation.