Localized reduction in optical turbulence due to enhanced atmospheric heating caused by the solar absorption of aerosol black carbon (BC) is reported. Immediate response of atmospheric turbulence to BC-induced atmospheric warming strongly depends on the available solar radiation (time of the day), BC concentration, and atmospheric boundary layer dynamics. Besides the significant climate implications of a reduction in turbulence kinetic energy, a large reduction in the refractive index structure parameter (Cn2) resulting from BC-induced warming would affect the atmospheric propagation of laser beams. Interestingly, aerosols contribute significantly (up to 25%) to the signal deterioration in optical wireless communication systems during convectively stable atmospheric conditions when higher signal-to-noise ratios are expected otherwise due to the reduced thermal convection. Competing effects of the fractional contributions of aerosol extinction and scintillations on beam attenuation are reported; daytime being largely dominated by scintillation effects while the nighttime being dependent on the ambient aerosol concentration as well. We put forward the entanglement of optical turbulence to aerosol concentration, atmospheric boundary layer dynamics, and surface-reaching solar radiation, and discuss the possible implications for optical propagation.Deep learning has been actively investigated for various applications such as image classification, computer vision, and regression tasks, and it has shown state-of-the-art performance. In diffuse optical tomography (DOT), the accurate estimation of the bulk optical properties of a medium is paramount because it directly affects the overall image quality. In this work, we exploit deep learning to propose a novel, to the best of our knowledge, convolutional neural network (CNN)-based approach to estimate the bulk optical properties of a highly scattering medium such as biological tissue in DOT. We validated the proposed method by using experimental, as well as, simulated data. For performance assessment, we compared the results of the proposed method with those of existing approaches. The results demonstrate that the proposed CNN-based approach for bulk optical property estimation outperforms existing methods in terms of estimation accuracy, with lower computation time.This research investigated the optoelectronic properties and anisotropic stress of Mo-doped ZnO (MZO) films, which were deposited on polyethylene terephthalate and polycarbonate flexible substrates with radio frequency magnetron sputtering. The optical properties, x-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra, Hall effect measurements, and self-made phase-shift shadow moiré interferometer readings were utilized to evaluate the performances of the MZO films. Based on the results, the transmittance and (002) peak size of the XRD spectra decreased when the substrate temperature increased. However, this took place especially when the oxygen flow was on the increase. Also, carrier mobility, carrier concentration, and anisotropic stresses increased at higher substrate temperatures, but this was not the case when the oxygen flow increased. The energy gap (Eg) of the MZO films showed a blueshift with an increase in the substrate temperatures, but this rather changed to a redshift when the oxygen flow was observed to be on the rise.A compact silicon-based cross-slot waveguide (CSW) polarization beam splitter (PBS) utilizing a sandwich-type coupler is proposed. The coupler consists of two identical CSWs separated by a horizontal slot waveguide (HSW), and S-bend sections at each end of the coupling section are introduced to decouple and separate the light. Owing to the strong birefringence of the HSW, the coupling length ratio between two different polarized modes (TE and TM) is adjustable in a suitable range by simply changing the gap width between the CSW and the HSW. The coupling length of the TM mode can be easily made half of that of the TE mode with a proper gap width, which is a favorable condition to realize a short PBS. Then, by making the length of the coupling section equal to the coupling length of the TE mode, the TE and TM modes are split. The PBS has the advantages of a small footprint and a high polarization extinction ratio (PER) and may be useful in the polarization management of a CSW-based on-chip optical system. Numerical results indicate that a PBS of ∼12µm with an insertion loss (IL) of 0.17 (0.53) dB, PER of 24.12 (21.14) dB for the TM (TE) mode is achieved at the wavelength of 1.55 µm, with a bandwidth covering the full C band for keeping PER>15dB and IL less then 1dB.Temperature scaling of collisional broadening parameters for krypton (absorber) 4p6S01→5p[3/2]2 electronic transition centered at 107.3 nm in the presence of major combustion species (perturber) is investigated. The absorption spectrum in the vicinity of the transition is obtained from the fluorescence due to the two-photon excitation scan of krypton. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/dinaciclib-sch727965.html Krypton was added in small amounts to major combustion species such as CH4, CO2, N2, and air, which then heated to elevated temperatures when flowed through a set of heated coils. In a separate experimental campaign, laminar premixed flat flame product mixtures of methane combustion were employed to extend the investigations to higher temperature ranges relevant to combustion. Collisional full width half maximum (FWHM) (wC) and shift (δC) were computed from the absorption spectrum by synthetically fitting Voigt profiles to the excitation scans, and their corresponding temperature scaling was determined by fitting power-law temperature dependencies to the wC and δC data for each perturber species. The temperature exponents of wC and δC for all considered combustion species (perturbers) were -0.73 and -0.6, respectively. Whereas the temperature exponents of wC are closer to the value (-0.7) predicted by the dispersive interaction collision theory, the corresponding exponents of δC are in between the dispersive interaction theory and the kinetic theory of hard-sphere collisions. Comparison with existing literature on broadening parameters of NO, OH, and CO laser-induced fluorescence spectra reveal interesting contributions from non-dispersive interactions on the temperature exponent.