27±1.13 mg% while that of controls was 4.52±1.05 mg%. The FMD was 5.57±1.39% in cases while it was 7.73±1.56% in controls and this difference was statistically significant. The present study showed that significant endothelial dysfunction is present in individuals of asymptomatic hyperuricemia in comparison to healthy age and sex matched controls. The present study showed that significant endothelial dysfunction is present in individuals of asymptomatic hyperuricemia in comparison to healthy age and sex matched controls. Globally, women and men over the age of 25 years suffer from hypertension, the need for new treatment strategies to treat hypertension is due to the multi-faceted nature of the disease. Lack of optimal blood pressure control can lead to multiple complications. Therefore, this phase 3 study was conducted to assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of potential product azilsartan hydrochloride for reduction in blood pressure in Indian patients with essential hypertension. This was a prospective, multicentre, randomized, comparative, parallel study of 303 participants over six weeks of treatment period with either azilsartan 40 mg or azilsartan 80 mg or telmisartan 40 mg in adult patients with essential hypertension. The primary endpoint was the change in mean trough sitting clinic systolic blood pressure (scSBP) from baseline to week 6. The secondary endpoints were the change in mean trough sitting clinic diastolic blood pressure (scDBP) from baseline and change in the 24-hour mean ambulatory systolic bscDBP and ambulatory SBP and DBP was similar between the groups from baseline to week 6 (P >0.05). Headache and dizziness were the most frequent treatmentrelated treatment-emergent adverse events. Azilsartan is an effective blood pressure lowering drug and well tolerated and was non- inferior to telmisartan in its safety and efficacy. Azilsartan is an effective blood pressure lowering drug