Wnt signaling plays a vital role in the cell biology of skeletal patterning, differentiation, and maintenance. Notum is a secreted member of the α/β-hydrolase superfamily that hydrolyzes the palmitoleoylate modification on Wnt proteins, thereby disrupting Wnt signaling. As a secreted inhibitor of Wnt, Notum presents an attractive molecular target for improving skeletal health. To determine the cell type of action for Notum's effect on the skeleton, we generated mice with Notum deficiency globally (Notum-/- ) and selectively (Notumf/f ) in limb bud mesenchyme (Prx1-Cre) and late osteoblasts/osteocytes (Dmp1-Cre). Late-stage deletion induced increased cortical bone properties, similar to global mutants. Notum expression was enhanced in response to sclerostin inhibition, so dual inhibition (Notum/sclerostin) was also investigated using a combined genetic and pharmacologic approach. Co-suppression increased cortical properties beyond either factor alone. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/u18666a.html Notum suppressed Wnt signaling in cell reporter assays, but surprisingly also enhanced Shh signaling independent of effects on Wnt. Notum is an osteocyte-active suppressor of cortical bone formation that is likely involved in multiple signaling pathways important for bone homeostasis © 2021 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR). This study aimed to measure the frequency of spiritual needs, identify the factors associated with these needs among Korean and American persons living with an advance chronic illness and compare them from a cross-cultural perspective. Persons with serious or life-limiting illnesses often have spiritual needs. Unmet spiritual needs are associated with poor well-being and threaten psychological health. Little is known about how specific spiritual needs vary across cultures. A quantitative, cross-sectional, observational cross-cultural comparison was undertaken. The study has been prepared in accordance with the STROBE guidelines. Convenience sampling was used to recruit participants from outpatient clinics in South Korea and Southern California (N=202). Spiritual needs were measured using the Spiritual Interests Related to Illness Tool (SpIRIT); demographic and illness-related variables were also assessed using paper-and-pencil questionnaires. Data were analysed using various parametric statistical tesverse spiritual needs. Screening patients to ascertain how important spirituality or religiosity is to them may help clinicians focus their in-depth assessments on those who report high levels of spirituality or religiosity because these patients may experience the strongest spiritual needs. The SpIRIT shows promise as a measure of diverse spiritual needs. To assess whether the prevailing rhythm at the time of replying to symptom and health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) questionnaires impacts the findings. A total of 150 patients from the randomized Catheter Ablation Compared with Pharmacological Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation-trial, comparing atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation versus drugs, were included. The effect of the prevailing rhythm on the outcome results of the HR-QoL 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey, the symptom severity questionnaire (SSQ), and the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) score for classification of AF-related symptoms was assessed. AF as the prevailing rhythm was independently associated with a significantly lower Vitality score; 18.4 points lower (95% confidence interval -32.7 to -4.1, p = .01) compared with sinus rhythm when adjusted for AF burden, median duration of episode, number of episodes, beta-blocker use, type of AF, and sex. The presence of AF did not affect the General Health score compared with sinus rhythm, nor did it influence symptoms assessed by the SSQ or EHRA score. The observation that the presence of AF versus sinus rhythm when conducting HR-QoL tests had a negative impact on its outcome, leaving symptom-related questionnaires unaffected, implies that the prevailing rhythm should be taken into account when results of HR-QoL questionnaires are interpreted. The observation that the presence of AF versus sinus rhythm when conducting HR-QoL tests had a negative impact on its outcome, leaving symptom-related questionnaires unaffected, implies that the prevailing rhythm should be taken into account when results of HR-QoL questionnaires are interpreted.The objective of this study was to assess the level of interest in preconception carrier screening among reproductive-aged persons presenting for gynecologic care and to identify demographic factors predictive of pursuing screening. Patients aged 18-40 who were presenting for gynecologic care at a single U.S. academic medical center were provided with information about current options for preconception carrier screening and were offered genetic counseling referral with the possibility to undergo screening. Outcomes of interest were desire for genetic counseling referral and attendance at genetic counseling visit. Statistical analyses were performed as appropriate using R version 3.6.1 with variables significant at 0.1 included in a multivariable logistic regression. Of 193 participants, 79 (41%) desired genetic counseling referral. Participants aged 25-34 (OR 3.39, 95% CI 1.47-8.10) and nulliparas (OR 2.69, 95% CI 1.23-6.03) were more likely to desire referral. Thirty-five participants (44.3% of those who desired referral) attended a visit with genetic counseling. Having an advanced degree (OR 3.27, 95% CI 1.06-10.4) was associated with visit attendance. Thirteen participants underwent screening, and five were found to be a carrier of at least one X-linked or autosomal recessive condition. Surprisingly, presenting for a gynecologic visit directly related to planning a pregnancy was not associated with increased interest in preconception carrier screening. Nulliparas and those aged 25-34 likely expressed greater interest in referral due to high potential for future childbearing in these groups. The increased level of visit attendance in participants with advanced degrees is likely confounded by the high level of health literacy and financial resources in this group.