Providers should carefully weigh the potential unknown benefits of targeting vancomycin AUC 400 to 800 mg*hr/L in children with the known risks of acute kidney injury associated with increasing the dose of vancomycin as well as the substantial time, effort, and costs of this process. Healthcare workers (HWs) are at the highest risk of getting CIVID-19. This study aimed to assess factors determining the knowledge and prevention of HWs towardsCOVID-19 in the Amhara Region, Ethiopia. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among 442 HWs using email and telegram addresses. The knowledge and practice of HWs were estimated using 16 knowledge and 11 practice questions. A multivariable logistic regression analysis was used on SPSS version 25 to identify factors related to the knowledge and prevention practice of HWs on COVID-19. Significance was determined at a value of < 0.05 and association was described byusing odds ratio at 95% CI. Of 442 HWs, 398 (90% response rate) responded to the online interviewquestionnaire. From 398 HWs, 231(58%), 225(56%), 207(53%), and 191(48%) were males, from rural area, aged ≥ 34 years and nurses, respectively. About 279(70%) HWs had good knowledge of COVID-19 followed by 247(62%) good prevention practices. Age < 34 years (AOR = 2.14, 95% CI =high workload, comorbidities, knowledge, and access to IP training and guideline were factors limiting prevention practices. Thus, a consistent supply of PPE and improving health workers' knowledge, making IP guidelines and information sources available, and managing chronic illnesses are crucial to prevent COVID-19 among HWs. In this study, most of the HWs had good knowledge but had lower prevention practice of COVID-19. Socio-demographic and access to information sources were factors of knowledge on COVID-19. Similarly, residence, shortage of PPE, high workload, comorbidities, knowledge, and access to IP training and guideline were factors li