Also, the proposed method was applied to pedestrian impact simulations with various impact speeds to estimate the probability of death with respect to the impact speed. The probability of death from the proposed method was compared with those from epidemiological studies. The proposed method accurately estimated WBIMs such as ISS and WBFCI using either for a given distribution of injury risk or MAIS levels. The predicted probability of death with respect to the impact speed showed a good correlation with those from the epidemiological study. These results imply that if we have a human surrogate that can predict the risk of injury accurately, we can accurately estimate WBIMs using the proposed method. The proposed method can simplify a vehicle design optimization process by transforming the multi-objective optimization problem into the single-objective one. Lastly, the proposed method can be applied to other human surrogates such as occupant models.With the development of positron emission tomography (PET) technology, a variety of PET imaging agents labeled with radionuclide 18F have been developed and widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of various clinical diseases in recent years. For example, they have showed a great value of study in the field of tumor detection, tumor treatment and evaluation of tumor therapy in a non-invasive, qualitative and quantitative way. In this review, we highlight the recent development in chemical synthesis, structure and characterization, imaging characterization, and potential applications of these 18F labeled small molecule PET imaging agents for the past five years. The development and application of 18F labeled small molecules will expand our knowledge of the function and distribution of diseases-related molecular targets and shed light on the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases including tumors.Kpkt is a yeast killer toxin, naturally produced by Tetrapisispora phaffii, with possible applications in winemaking due to its antimicrobial activity on wine-related yeasts including Kloeckera/Hanseniaspora, Saccharomycodes and Zygosaccharomyces. Here, Kpkt coding gene was expressed in Komagataella phaffii (formerly Pichia pastoris) and the bioreactor production of the recombinant toxin (rKpkt) was obtained. Moreover, to produce a ready-to-use preparation of rKpkt, the cell-free supernatant of the K. phaffii recombinant killer clone was 80-fold concentrated and lyophilized. The resulting preparation could be easily solubilized in sterile distilled water and maintained its killer activity for up to six months at 4 °C. When applied to grape must, it exerted an extensive killer activity on wild wine-related yeasts while proving compatible with the fermentative activity of actively growing Saccharomyces cerevisiae starter strains. Moreover, it displayed a strong microbicidal effect on a variety of bacterial species including lactic acid bacteria and food-borne pathogens. On the contrary it showed no lethal effect on filamentous fungi and on Ceratitis capitata and Musca domestica, two insect species that may serve as non-mammalian model for biomedical research. Based on these results, bioreactor production and lyophilization represent an interesting option for the exploitation of this killer toxin that, due to its spectrum of action, may find application in the control of microbial contaminations in the wine and food industries.Trace concentrations of a number of pharmaceutically active compounds have been detected in the aquatic environment in many countries, where they are thought to have the potential to exert adverse effects on non-target organisms. Amiodarone (AMD) is one such high-risk compound commonly used in general hospitals. AMD is known to alter normal thyroid hormone (TH) function, although little information is available regarding the specific mechanism by which this disruption occurs. Anuran tadpole metamorphosis is a TH-controlled developmental process and has proven to be useful as a screening tool for environmental pollutants suspected of disrupting TH functions. In the present study, our objective was to clarify the effects of AMD on Xenopus metamorphosis as well as to assess the bioconcentration of this pharmaceutical in the liver. We found that AMD suppressed spontaneous metamorphosis, including tail regression and hindlimb elongation in pro-metamorphic stage tadpoles, which is controlled by endogenous circulating TH, indicating that AMD is a TH antagonist. In transgenic X. laevis tadpoles carrying plasmid DNA containing TH-responsive element (TRE) and a 5'-upstream promoter region of the TH receptor (TR) βA1 gene linked to a green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene, triiodothyronine (T3) exposure induced a strong EGFP expression in the hind limbs, whereas the addition of AMD to T3 suppressed EGFP expression, suggesting that this drug interferes with the binding of T3 to TR, leading to the inhibition of TR-mediated gene expression. We also found AMD to be highly bioconcentrated in the liver of pro-metamorphic X. tropicalis tadpoles, and we monitored hepatic accumulation of this drug using mass spectrometry imaging (MSI). Our findings suggest that AMD imposes potential risk to aquatic wildlife by disrupting TH homeostasis, with further possibility of accumulating in organisms higher up in the food chain.The deposition of different types of phenol and aniline derivatives in the aquatic environment leads to toxicity to living organisms. Under such condition, evaluation of these toxicants is very much important. Due to non-availability of sufficient experimental data as well as sufficient number of Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) models for the low level toxicity values for such pollutants, we have employed here the partial least squares (PLS) regression for the development of robust and predictive QSAR models using low level toxicity values against algal species. Here, we have used both Extended Topochemical Atom (ETA) and non-ETA indices as 2D descriptors for model development. The statistical validation parameters ensure the robustness and the predictivity of the developed models. From the insights of the final PLS models, it can be concluded that presence of nitro groups (in the ortho position to phenolic hydroxyl group increasing intramolecular hydrogen bonding capacity), presence of chlorine substituents (influencing lipophilicity) especially at the para position, oxygen and nitrogen at the topological distance three, aliphatic side chain (contributing to hydrophobicity), molecules with large size atoms and higher molecular bulk will increase the toxicity towards the algal species.