Although ketamine seems poised to transform the treatment of depression, its exact mechanisms of action are still unclear but greatly demanded, as the resulting knowledge may provide a model to understand the mechanisms behind rapid-acting antidepressants, which may lead to the discovery of novel compounds for the treatment of depression. After reviewing insights into ketamine's mechanisms of action (derived from preclinical animal studies) and depicting the current state of the art of hiPSC technology below, we will consider the implementation of an hiPSC technology-based TRD model for the study of ketamine's fast acting antidepressant mechanisms of action. Stopping antidepressants commonly causes withdrawal symptoms, which can be severe and long-lasting. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance has been recently updated to reflect this; however, for many years withdrawal (discontinuation) symptoms were characterised as 'usually mild and self-limiting over a week'. Consequently, withdrawal symptoms might have been misdiagnosed as relapse of an underlying condition, or new onset of another medical illness, but this has never been studied. This paper outlines the themes emerging from 158 respondents to an open invitation to describe the experience of prescribed psychotropic medication withdrawal for petitions sent to British parliaments. The accounts include polypharmacy (mostly antidepressants and benzodiazepines) but we focus on antidepressants because of the relative lack of awareness about their withdrawal effects compared with benzodiazepines. Mixed method analysis was used, including a 'lean thinking' approach to evaluate common awal experiences that are more severe than average, they highlight the current inadequacy of health care systems to recognise and manage prescribed drug withdrawal, and patient feedback in general. Several points for improvement emerge the need for updating of g