This communication will help tissue engineers and biomaterial scientists design and produce EVs optimally for tissue regenerative therapeutics.The intestinal epithelium, the fastest renewing tissue in human, is a complex tissue hosting multiple cell types with a dynamic and multiparametric microenvironment, making it particularly challenging to recreate in vitro. Convergence of recent advances in cellular biology and microfabrication technologies have led to the development of various bioengineered systems to model and study the intestinal epithelium. Theses microfabricated in vitro models may constitute an alternative to current approaches for studying the fundamental mechanisms governing intestinal homeostasis and pathologies, as well as for in vitro drug screening and testing. Herein, we review the recent advances in bioengineered in vitro intestinal models.Previous studies have demonstrated that exogenous attention decreases audiovisual integration (AVI); however, whether the AVI is different when exogenous attention is elicited by bimodal and unimodal cues and its aging effect remain unclear. To clarify this matter, 20 older adults and 20 younger adults were recruited to conduct an auditory/visual discrimination task following bimodal audiovisual cues or unimodal auditory/visual cues. The results showed that the response to all stimulus types was faster in younger adults compared with older adults, and the response was faster when responding to audiovisual stimuli compared with auditory or visual stimuli. Analysis using the race model revealed that the AVI was lower in the exogenous-cue conditions compared with the no-cue condition for both older and younger adults. The AVI was observed in all exogenous-cue conditions for the younger adults (visual cue > auditory cue > audiovisual cue); however, for older adults, the AVI was only found in the visual-cue condition. In addition, the AVI was lower in older adult