This study aims to analyze the prevalence of domestic violence, the level, and determinants of healthcare utilization of women exposed to violence and the satisfaction from the behaviors of health personnel. The data source of this study is the 2014 Research on Domestic Violence against Women in Turkey which was carried out with Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies and Ministry of Family and Social Policies in Turkey. The research has a nationally representative sample of 7462 women aged 15-59. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the effect of the basic characteristics of women on receiving healthcare due to violence. In this study, the rate of women receiving healthcare was 63%. Women who were unemployed have no health insurance, live in low wealth level, in rural areas, and the Eastern region had used healthcare services at a lower level.Treatment with deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease, leads to a rapid improvement in mobility, which may challenge patients and spouses when adjusting to everyday life. An intervention, developed to support the adjustment to everyday life with DBS, demonstrated that individualized meetings with a specialized nurse was experienced as important and fruitful by both patient and spouses. Purpose The aim was to gain a deeper understanding of how the meetings contributed to the adjustment process. Method 38 audio-recorded meetings and six written summaries from eight couples participating in the intervention, were analyzed in a hermeneutic process. Results The analysis revealed four themes A relational triad of co-creating personal knowing. Sharing and listening in an atmosphere of trust and openness. Unveiling the couple's everyday life, coping strategies and expectations. Supporting adjustment through knowing their personal story. Conclusion The triadic dynamics in the meetings were quite particular. The main focus was the patients' and spouses' stories, individually and as a couple. The DBS nurse pursues solutions based on professional and specialized knowledge of Parkinson's disease and the couple's everyday life. Thus, the intervention meetings offered tailored, individualized and specialized care in supporting adjustment to DBS for PD both individually and as couples.Due to the government's modest role in taking care of aging adults, as well as a rapidly aging demographic and a high share of home ownership, Croatia is an interesting case for private long-term care (LTC) financing. This study uses a qualitative survey through interviews (N = 21) with specialists from the financial industry to examine the prospects for developing LTC insurance (LTCI) and reverse mortgages. The most important obstacles to developing reverse mortgages and LTCI are an emotional attachment to real estate and strong family ties. However, inadequately regulated and nontransparent housing and LTC markets, the weak rule of law, poor financial literacy, low trust in financial institutions, and the perception of government as the savior of last resort pose additional challenges. Combined insurance products with clearly defined benefits are the products showing the most market potential.This study aimed to characterize the thermoregulatory responses of elite alpine skiers. Core (gastro-intestinal) and skin temperatures were recorded continuously from 4 national team skiers representing 18 training-sessions for a total of 83 ski runs (average ambient temperature 1.9°C). Shivering responses were estimated from quadriceps and hamstrings EMG recordings during 77 chairlifts. Temperature responses were also obtained from 6 accompanying staffs representing 16 training-sessions (passive in 10 cases, following the skiers in 6 cases). Core temperature of the skiers (p less then 0.001) but not the staff (p=0.103) increased during training and was higher in skiers than staff after one-third of the training session (p less then 0.006). Conversely, average skin temperature of the skiers decreased during training (p less then 0.001) and was lower in skiers than staff for the second half of the training. Muscle activity during chairlifts remained below 1% and there was no meaningful shivering. Muscle activity decreased whilst mean and median power frequency increased during the chairlift (p less then 0.020). Muscle activity was also lower during the last lift than the first one whilst mean and median power frequency were higher (p less then 0.020). In conclusion, skin temperature decreased during Slalom and Giant Slalom in elite alpine skiers, likely due to the limited insulative capacity of the racing suit and the high velocity increasing convective heat loss. Conversely, core temperature increased during the training session suggesting that the metabolic heat production was larger than the convective heat loss, and was also sufficient to maintain homeostasis without shivering.High levels of alexithymia are typically associated with impaired memory for emotional, but not neutral words. We conducted two experimental studies to establish if this effect generalises to non-verbal socially relevant stimuli. Thirty-nine female undergraduates (Study 1) viewed faces with different expressions (neutral, angry, happy or sad) and 38 female students (Study 2) viewed videos of realistic social interactions (featuring anger, happiness, sadness or neutral affect). Participants were asked to identify the emotion portrayed and were subsequently given an intentional recognition memory test for the stimuli. They also completed self-report measures of alexithymia and mood (depression & anxiety). In Study 1, memory for emotional (especially angry), but not neutral faces was negatively related to the "difficulty describing feelings" facet of alexithymia. In Study 2, memory for emotional (particularly those featuring anger), but not neutral videos was negatively related to the "difficulty identifying feelings" and "externally oriented thinking" facets of alexithymia. In both studies, these memory deficits were independent of the effects of age and mood. Furthermore, the deficits appear to be most evident in the conscious recollection of the emotional stimuli. Our findings confirm that the memory deficit for emotional words in alexithymia generalises to important non-verbal socially relevant stimuli.