The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is widely used as a promising translational model organism for studying various brain disorders. Zebrafish are also commonly used in behavioral and drug screening assays utilizing individually tested (socially isolated) fish. Various sounds represent important exogenous factors that may affect fish behavior. Mounting evidence shows that musical/auditory environmental enrichment can improve welfare of laboratory animals, including fishes. Here, we show that auditory environmental enrichment mitigates anxiogenic-like effects caused by acute 24-h social isolation in adult zebrafish. Thus, auditory environmental enrichment may offer an inexpensive, feasible and simple tool to improve welfare of zebrafish stocks in laboratory facilities, reduce unwanted procedural stress, lower non-specific behavioral variance and, hence, collectively improve zebrafish data reliability and reproducibility.Exposure to light at night (LAN) can disrupt the circadian system, thereby altering neuroimmune reactivity and related behavior. Increased exposure to LAN affects people of all ages - and could have particularly detrimental effects during early-life and adolescence. Despite this, most research on the behavioral and physiological effects of LAN has been conducted in adult animals. Here we evaluated the effects of dim LAN during critical developmental windows on adulthood neuroimmune function and affective/sickness behaviors. Male and female C57BL/6 J mice were exposed to dim LAN [1212 light (150 lx)/dim (15 lx) cycle] during early life (PND10-24) or adolescence (PND30-44) [control 1212 light (150 lx)/dark (0 lx) cycle]. Behaviors were assessed during juvenile (PND 42-44) and adult (PND60) periods. Contrary to our hypothesis, juvenile mice that were exposed to dim LAN did not exhibit changes in anxiety- or depressive-like behaviors. By adulthood, adolescent LAN-exposed female mice showed a modest anxiety-like phenotype in one behavioral task but not another. Adolescent LAN exposure also induced depressive-like behavior in a forced swim task in adulthood in both male and female mice. Additionally, developmental LAN exacerbated the hippocampal cytokine response (IL-1β) following peripheral LPS in female, but not male mice. These results suggest female mice may be more susceptible to developmental LAN than male mice LAN female mice had a modest anxiety-like phenotype in adulthood, and upon LPS challenge, higher hippocampal IL-1β expression. Taken together, developmental LAN exposure in mice promotes a modest increase in susceptibility to anxiety- and depressive-like symptoms. Bipolar disorder is a life-threatening disorder linked to dopamine transporter (DAT) polymorphisms, with reduced DAT levels seen in positron emission tomography and postmortem brains. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of approved antipsychotics on DAT dysfunction-mediated mania behavior in mice. DAT knockdown mice received either D -family receptor antagonist risperidone or asenapine and mania-related behaviors were assessed in the clinically-relevant behavioral pattern monitor to assess spontaneous exploration. Chronic risperidone did not reverse mania-like behavior in DAT knockdown mice. Chronic asenapine reduced mania behavior but this effect was more pronounced in wild-type littermates than in DAT knockdown mice. Taken together, these findings suggest that while acute antipsychotic treatment may be beneficial in management of bipolar mania, more targeted therapeutics may be necessary for long-term treatment. Specific investigation into DAT-targeting drugs could improve future treatment of bipolar mania. Taken together, these findings suggest that while acute antipsychotic treatment may be beneficial in management of bipolar mania, more targeted therapeutics may be necessary for long-term treatment. Specific investigation into DAT-targeting drugs could improve future treatment of bipolar mania.Anxiety disorders cause distress and are commonly found to be comorbid with chronic pain. Both are difficult-to-treat conditions for which alternative treatment options are being pursued. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), treadmill exercise, or both, on anxiety-like behavior and associated growth factors and inflammatory markers in the hippocampus and sciatic nerve of rats with neuropathic pain. Male Wistar rats (n = 216) were subjected to sham-surgery or sciatic nerve constriction for pain induction. Fourteen days following neuropathic pain establishment, either bimodal tDCS, treadmill exercise, or a combination of both was used for 20 min a day for 8 consecutive days. The elevated plus-maze test was used to assess anxiety-like behavior and locomotor activity during the early (24 h) or late (7 days) phase after the end of treatment. BDNF, TNF-ɑ, and IL-10 levels in the hippocampus, and BDNF, NGF, and IL-10 levels in the sciatic nerve were assessed 48 h or 7 days after the end of treatment. Rats from the pain groups developed an anxiety-like state. Both tDCS and treadmill exercise provided ethological and neurochemical alterations induced by pain in the early and/or late phase, and a modest synergic effect between tDCS and exercise was observed. These results indicate that non-invasive neuromodulatory approaches can attenuate both anxiety-like status and locomotor activity and alter the biochemical profile in the hippocampus and sciatic nerve of rats with neuropathic pain and that combined interventions may be considered as a treatment option. Although extensively studied, the effect of antipsychotics is not completely understood at a network level. We tested the hypothesis that acute administration of haloperidol would modulate functional connectivity of brain regions relevant to schizophrenia pathophysiology. To assess putative changes in brain network properties and regional interactivity, we studied the expression of Homer1a, an Immediate Early Gene (IEG) demonstrated to be induced by antipsychotic administration and coding for a protein involved in glutamatergic synapses remodeling. Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 26) assigned to vehicle (VEH; NaCl 0.9%) or haloperidol (HAL; 0.8 mg/kg) were included in the network analysis. Homer1a mRNA induction was evaluated by in situ hybridization. Signal intensity analysis was performed in 33 Regions of Interest (ROIs) in the cortex, the caudate putamen, and the nucleus accumbens. A signal correlation analysis was performed, computing all possible pairwise Pearson correlations among ROIs in the two groups. Two networks were generated for HAL and VEH groups, and their properties and topography were explored.