The study design and protocol have been approved by the National Medical Ethics Committee of Slovenia (registration number 0120-573/2019/15). The study will be conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The results of the study will be published as peer-reviewed manuscripts and congress presentations, communicated with patients and the clinical community, and shared through posts on social media. The findings of the study will be disseminated among the national CR clinical community (CR centres, Slovenian association of coronary clubs) with active participation of the patients enrolled in the study. This study will expand our knowledge of RT in combination with AT in CR. We expect to find different effects of HL-RT versus LL-RT, with implications for RT strategies in rehabilitation of patients with CAD. NCT04638764. NCT04638764. This study's objective was to assess the risk of severe in-hospital complications of patients admitted for COVID-19 and diabetes mellitus (DM). This was a cross-sectional study. We used pseudonymised medical record data provided by six general hospitals from the HM Hospitales group in Spain. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to identify variables associated with mortality and the composite of mortality or invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) in the overall population, and stratified for the presence or absence of DM. Spline analysis was conducted on the entire population to investigate the relationship between glucose levels at admission and outcomes. Overall, 1621 individuals without DM and 448 with DM were identified in the database. Patients with DM were on average 5.1 years older than those without. The overall in-hospital mortality was 18.6% (N=301), and was higher among patients with DM than those without (26.3% vs 11.3%; p<0.001). DM was independently associated with death, rly among men, the elderly and those with impaired kidney function. Mo