A threshold of the N addition level is identified at about 68 kg N ha-1 year-1, which indicates the lowest N inhibition effect. Furthermore, the convex relationship between response ratio of CH4 uptake (negative) and N addition duration indicates that a medium level of N addition duration has the largest N inhibition effect, and longer or shorter durations will both reduce the effect. Our analysis of the N inhibition effect implies that controlling the N addition level could effectively reduce the CH4 concentration in the atmosphere and thus relieve global warming.Sustainable agriculture aims to meet the food needs of the growing world population while ensuring minimal impact on the environment and humans as well as productivity. Although pesticides represent the backbone of the agri-food sector in its endeavor to secure food production their application is perceived by many as an obstacle towards the achievement of sustainability; the main concerns are linked with their adverse effects on human health and the environment. Τhis review aims to present the status of chemical plant protection and provide insights into the use of pesticides within the context of sustainable agriculture. It mainly focuses on the strengthened legislation frameworks, which especially in the European Union and the United States of America ensure the placement in the market of pesticides with acceptable toxicological and environmental profiles without compromising crop production. Furthermore, the implementation of Integrated Pest Management principles plays a key role in the sustainable use of pesticides. The stringent regulatory requirements have resulted in the dramatic increase of the associated effort and costs in pesticide research and development (R&D) of improved products. Nevertheless, the investment of leading agrochemical companies in the R&D of new pesticides remains high. All the above set the ground for the sustainable use of pe