For the texture analysis of crumb components, a portion of the crust was removed from the whole samples, and the exposed crumb was compressed by a plunger. From the texture profile, a normalized linear length was evaluated. The normalized linear length for the starch-based cookie was higher than that for the conventional cookie. These results were corresponded to the differences in the undeveloped gluten and fat contents. Treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)-associated uveitis necessitates the use of long-term corticosteroids or immunosuppressive agents, each of which poses their own significant side effect profile. Initial treatment requires intensive topical glucocorticoids, with a step-up approach employing immunosuppressive agents for those cases with poor response or high-risk complications such as macular oedema. To date, there is minimal evidence to support a specific approach to such complicated subgroups. We present the first case to successfully employ the 0.19mg fluocinolone acetonide implant (ILUVIEN , Alimera Sciences, Hampshire, UK) as a novel device for prolonged intravitreal administration of disease-modifying agents for patients with JIA complicated by uveitis. This retrospective case report describes a 20-year old woman diagnosed with oligoarticular JIA complicated by chronic uveitis and associated cystoid macular oedema (CMO). Considering factors including the patient's non-compliance, age, ondary CMO. This potentially offers an alternative approach to complex cases that show good response to short-term corticosteroid use. This study aimed to compare the short-term changes in retinal and choroid thickness in diabetic patients after femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) and phacoemulsification (PE) surgery. A total of 47 eyes in the PE group and 44 eyes in the FLACS group were included. All patients underwent measurement of central macular thickness (CMT) and subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) before and after surgery using optical coherence tomography (OCT). The effective phaco time (EPT) in the FLACS group was significantly reduced. The BCVA differed significantly between the two groups at 1 week and 1 month after surgery. The CMT in both groups increased at 1 week after the operation. It did not return to the preoperative level until month 12 in the PE group. In the FLACS group, the CMT began to decrease at month 3 and recovered to the preoperative level at month 12. The SFCT of the two groups increased at week 1; it began to decrease at month 6 in the PE group but did not recover to the preoperative level until month 12. The SFCT in the FLACS group recovered to preoperative levels at month 6. In the PE group, baseline CMT values predicted CMT change at week 1 and months 1, 3 and 12 after surgery. In the FLACS group, baseline CMT predicted CMT changes at week 1, month 1 and month 3. In the FLACS group, EPT predicted SFCT change at month 3. FLACS is safe and effective in patients with no fundus change or mild diabetic retinopathy. It has advantages in effectively reducing EPT, achieving good vision earlier and promoting faster recovery of the retinal and choroidal thickness. Preoperative CMT is a significant predictor of CMT changes in the early period after FLACS. FLACS is safe and effective in patients with no fundus change or mild diabetic retinopathy. It has advantages in effectively reducing EPT, achieving good vision earlier and promoting faster recovery of the retinal and choroidal thickness. Preoperative CMT is a significant predictor of CMT changes in the early period after FLACS. In order for physical distancing directives to be effective at lowering and flattening the epidemic peak during a pandemic, individuals must adhere to confinement guidelines. Recent reviews highlight the paucity of research on empirical correlates of adherence to physical distancing and quarantine directives. In this cross-sectional study, 1003 individuals were recruited using quota sampling to form a sample approximately representative of the population of Quebec (Canada) in terms of age, gender, and urbanicity. Participants completed an online survey on adherence to physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. This survey evaluated socio-demographic, health, cognitive, emotional, and social factors related to physical distancing. Individuals aged 70 and older (OR = 1.67, 95% CI = 1.04-2.67), women (OR = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.02-1.79), and those who were not essential workers (OR = 3.28, 95% CI = 2.24-4.81) reported more physical distancing. Injunctive personal norms (OR = 1.67, 95% CI = 1.23-2.31), peons to promote physical distancing during a pandemic. Transfusion of blood products has a negative impact on surgical and cancer outcomes. The objective of the current study was to evaluate surgeons' practice and knowledge of red blood cell transfusion for surgical patients. A survey of residents, fellows, and faculty surgeons at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and surgeons who identified as taking care of cancer patients nationally was conducted. Four domains were addressed including perceived preoperative assessment and management of anemia, perceived use of transfusion alternatives, perceived use of and factors influencing packed red blood cell administration, and transfusion practice knowledge. Among 158 respondents, 87 (64.5%) were surgeons on faculty at an academic medical center, 26 (19%) were surgeons in private practice, and 24 (15.2%) were surgical residents or fellows. The majority of respondents were surgical oncologists or hepatobiliary surgeons (N = 83, 62.0%) and had been in practice > 10 years (> 10-15 N = 28, 20.6%) ablood management programs may help inform individual surgeon practices. To trial the use of three-dimensional (3D) printed skull models to guide safe pin placement in two patients with diastrophic dysplasia (DTD) requiring prolonged pre-fusion halo-gravity traction (HGT). Two sisters aged 8 (ML) and 4 (BL) with DTD were planned for staged fusion for progressive kyphoscoliosis. Both sisters were admitted for pre-fusion HGT. Models of their skulls were generated from computer tomography (CT) scans using Mimics Innovation Suite and printed on a Guider II in polylactic acid. The 3D models were cut axially proximal to the skull equator, in-line where pins are usually inserted, allowing identification of the thickest skull portion to guide pin placement. Eight pins were inserted into each patient's skull. Postoperative CT scans demonstrated adequate pin position. Pre-traction Cobb angles were 122° and 128° for ML and BL, improving to 83° and 86° following traction. Duration of HGT was 182 and 238days for ML and BL. Prior to fusion, both patients returned to theatre twice for exchange of loose pins and there was one incidence of pin site infection.