The conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm is a well-established model utilized to study the role of context associations in reward-related behaviors, including both natural rewards and drugs of abuse. In this review article, we discuss the basic history, various uses, and considerations that are tied to this technique. There are many potential takeaway implications of this model, including negative affective states, conditioned drug effects, memory, and motivation, which are all considered here. We also discuss the neurobiology of CPP including relevant brain regions, molecular signaling cascades, and neuromodulatory systems. We further examine some of our prior findings and how they integrate CPP with self-administration paradigms. Overall, by describing the fundamentals of CPP, findings from the past few decades, and implications of using CPP as a research paradigm, we have endeavored to support the case that the CPP method is specifically advantageous for studying the role of a form of Pavlovian learning that associates drug use with the surrounding environment.Maladaptive emotional memories contribute to the persistence of many mental health disorders, and therefore the prospect of disrupting these memories to produce long-term reductions in relapse is of great clinical appeal. Reducing the impact of maladaptive emotional memories on behaviour could be achieved by two retrieval-dependent manipulations that engage separate mnemonic processes "reconsolidation disruption" and "extinction enhancement." Extinction occurs during a prolonged re-exposure session in the absence of the expected emotional outcome and is widely accepted as reflecting the formation of a new, inhibitory memory that prevents behavioural expression of the original trace. Reconsolidation, by contrast, involves the destabilisation of the original memory, allowing for subsequent updating and restabilisation in specific brain regions, unless the re-stabilization process is prevented through specific pharmacological or behavioural interventions. Both destabilisation of the original memory and memory extinction require that re-exposure induces prediction error-a mismatch between what is expected and what actually occurs-but the parameters that allow reconsolidation and extinction to occur, and control the transition between them, have not been well-characterised. Here, we review what is known about the induction of memory destabilisation and extinction, and the transition period that separates these mnemonic processes, drawing on preclinical and clinical examples. A deeper understanding of the processes that determine the alternative routes to memory persistence or inhibition is critical for designing new and more reliable clinical treatments targeting maladaptive emotional memories.Background Hypothesis-driven functional connectivity (FC) analyses have revealed abnormal functional interaction of regions or networks involved in pain processing in episodic migraine patients. We aimed to investigate the resting-state FC patterns in episodic migraine by combining data-driven voxel-wise degree centrality (DC) calculation and seed-based FC analysis. Methods Thirty-nine patients suffering from episodic migraine without aura and 35 healthy controls underwent clinical assessment and functional MRI. DC was analyzed voxel-wise and compared between groups, and FC of regions with DC differences were further examined using a seed-based approach. Results Compared with the control group, the migraine group showed increased and decreased DC in the right posterior insula and left crus I, respectively. Seed-based FC analyses revealed that migraine patients demonstrated increased right posterior insula connections with the postcentral gyrus, supplementary motor area/paracentral lobule, fusiform gyrus and temporal pole. The left crus I showed decreased FC with regions of the default mode network (DMN), including the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), angular gyrus, medial and lateral temporal cortex in patients with migraine. Furthermore, pain intensity positively correlated with DC in the right amygdala/parahippocampal gyrus, and migraine frequency negatively correlated with FC between the left crus I and mPFC. Conclusion Patients with episodic migraine without aura have increased FC with the right posterior insula and decreased FC within the DMN, which may underlie disturbed sensory integration and cognitive processing of pain. The left crus I-mPFC connectivity may be a useful biomarker for assessing migraine frequency.Stress is highly pervasive in humans, impacting motivated behaviors with an enormous toll on life quality. Many of the effects of stress are orchestrated by neuropeptides such as corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). It has previously been shown that in stress-naïve male mice, CRF acts in the core of the nucleus accumbens (NAc) to produce appetitive effects and to increase dopamine release; yet in stress-exposed male mice, CRF loses its capacity to modulate NAc dopamine release and is aversive. In the current research, we tested whether this effect is comparable in females to males and whether the neuroadaptation is susceptible to social transmission. We found that, like in males, CRF increased dopamine release in stress-naïve but not stress-exposed female mice. Importantly, this persistent physiological change was not accompanied by overt behavioral changes that would be indicative of depression- or anxiety-like phenotype. Nonetheless, when these mice were housed for 7 days with stress-naïve conspecifics, the cage mates also exhibited a loss of dopamine potentiation by CRF. These data demonstrate the asymptomatic, yet pervasive transmission of stress-related neuroadaptations in the population.The short (S) allele of the serotonin transporter-linked promoter region (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism has been linked to reactive aggression in men, but this association is less consistent in females. Reactive aggression has been particularly described as a result of fear-driven defense to threat, but how this interaction between defensive behavior and aggression is expressed in S-allele carriers remains unknown. In order to explore this interplay between 5-HTTLPR genotype, defensive behavior and reactive aggression, we combined genotyping with objective measures of action tendencies toward angry faces in an approach-avoidance task (AAT) and reactive aggression in the Taylor aggression paradigm (TAP) in healthy females, N = 95. This study shows that female S-allele carriers in general display increased implicit reactive aggression (administering aversive white noise) toward opponents. Furthermore, we found that threat-avoidance tendencies moderate the association between 5-HTTLPR genotype and aggression displayed on the TAP.