Holm-Bonferroni corrections were employed to adjust for multiple comparisons. In the whole brain, CV was 4.3% and 3.8% for the curl and the FEM reconstruction, respectively, with 4.0-12.8% for subregions. Whole-brain ICC was 0.60-0.74, ranging from 0.20 to 0.89 in different regions. RC for the whole brain was 0.14 kPa and 0.17 kPa for the curl and FEM methods, respectively. FEM reconstruction resulted in 39% higher stiffness than the curl reconstruction (P < 0.05). MRE data quality, defined as shear-compression wave ratio, was higher in peripheral regions than in central regions of the brain (P < 0.05). No significant correlations were observed between MRE data quality and stiffness estimates. MRE of the human brain is a robust technique in terms of repeatability. Caution is warranted when comparing stiffness values obtained with different techniques. 1 TECHNICAL EFFICACY STAGE 1. 1 TECHNICAL EFFICACY STAGE 1.2D perovskites with chemical formula A'2 An-1 Bn X3n+1 have recently attracted considerable attention due to their tunable optical and electronic properties, which can be attained by varying the chemical composition. While high color-purity emitting perovskite nanomaterials have been accomplished through changing the halide composition, the preparation of single-phase, specific n-layer 2D perovskite nanomaterials is still pending because of the fast nucleation process of nanoparticles. We demonstrate a facile, rational and efficacious approach to synthesizing single-phase 2D perovskite nanoplates with a designated n number for both lead- and tin-based perovskites through kinetic control. Casting carboxylic acid additives in the reaction medium promotes selective formation of the kinetic product-multilayer 2D perovskite-in preference to the single-layer thermodynamic product. For the n-specific layered 2D perovskites, decreasing the number of octahedral layers per inorganic sheet leads to an increase of photolu