ghttime light exposure.Palliative care is a complex and challenging field in the healthcare profession. In the United Kingdom (UK), palliative care provision is part of everyday work for General Practitioners (GPs). The UK General Practice Curriculum includes palliative care as a core competency to be achieved to become a fully certified GP/family physician. The various stages of a patient's journey from getting a life-limiting diagnosis to breaking bad news, and dealing with the treatments and resulting complications need active involvement from the patient and their loved ones with healthcare professionals at all times. It becomes more challenging if the patient has impaired mental capacity and cannot make his independent decisions as a result. The interplay of patient's wishes, the wishes of immediate relatives, the law of the land and clinician's role in becoming an advocate to safeguard patient's best interest has significant implications for all stakeholders and far-reaching consequences. This case study elaborates on some of the challenges in the delivery of palliative care in a complex situation and provides knowledge base to bridge those flaws.Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare, highly malignant endocrine tumor, often associated with a poor prognosis. Most patients who develop ACC are either children of ages 1-6, or adults in their fourth to fifth decade of life. Individuals with a functional cortisol-secreting ACC frequently present with Cushing syndrome. We report a case of an 18-year-old male who was found to have a large ACC tumor, with thrombus extension into the inferior vena cava (IVC), after presenting with Cushing syndrome. ACC presents a challenging scenario for physicians as surgical resection remains the only form of curative therapy, however, despite such treatment many patients quickly develop metastases.Cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) is a common age-related disease, but little is known concerning the impact of cervical facet degeneration in patients suffering from CSM without degenerative cervical spondylolisthesis or cervical instability. We report an instructive case of CSM with rapid neurological deterioration in which unilateral degenerative facet joint pathology at the affected spinal level and impressive radiological findings were observed. A 70-year-old female progressively developed C5 segmental myelopathy without any trauma within a two-week period. Radiological findings revealed C3-4 spinal canal stenosis with the emergence of increased intramedullary signal intensity on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, articular surface damage at the left C3-4 facet joint on computed tomography, and unilateral "facet joint gap" on cervical radiogram, but did not meet the criteria of cervical instability or spondylolisthesis. This case suggests that some types of severe degenerative changes in cervical facet joints may contribute to cervical myelopathy, especially in cases with progressive neurological deterioration.Uvular necrosis is a rare postoperative complication that can manifest from endotracheal tube intubation or laryngeal mask airway placement resulting in compression and restriction of blood flow to the uvula. This report describes three patients who underwent outpatient shoulder surgery under general anesthesia and were subsequently diagnosed with uvular necrosis. Their symptoms included persistent sore throat, dysphagia, odynophagia, and foreign body sensation, with swelling and white exudate on the uvular tip. All three patients were treated conservatively and had complete symptom resolution. While symptoms from uvular necrosis typically self-resolve within two weeks, it is important to recognize the condition and risk factors because patients may benefit from reassurance and conservative treatment.Pasteurella multocida (PM) is a gram-negative bacterium known to cause soft tissue infections, especially after animal bites, with some human infections occurring after animal exposure, usually via inhalation of contaminated secretions. PM pneumonia mainly affects those who are immunocompromised and in individuals with comorbidities. The spectrum of pulmonary disease due to PM is wide, ranging from pneumonia to empyema. The clinical features are indistinguishable from other pathogens, however, hemoptysis seldom occurs as a consequence of PM infection. We present a case of PM pneumonia in an immunocompetent host who had a chief complaint of hemoptysis, making this the sixth documented case to ever-present with hemoptysis.Introduction Bronchiectasis is a chronic respiratory disease that can affect patients of all ages and significantly impact the quality of life (QOL) in patients who suffer from it. In spite of its widespread prevalence, and the significant impact on QOL, data on the quantitative impact of bronchiectasis on QOL is lacking. The Quality of Life-Bronchiectasis (QOL-B) is a self-administered patient-reported outcome measure, that was recently developed as a response to the emergent need for such measurement tools to study the impact of bronchiectasis on QOL. Methods We conducted a single-center cross-sectional study to study the correlation between QOL and various other outcome parameters such as exercise capacity, lung functions, co-morbidities, inflammatory markers, and body mass index (BMI). The secondary outcome was to find out various determinants of quality of life in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFB). Results Forty-four patients who determined the pre-determined criteria for NCFB were enrolled in this study. This study demonstrated a significant impact on the QOL of NCFB patients based on the QOL-B scoring system. Almost all domains of QOL-B were found to be adversely impacted as measured by one or more of the outcome parameters but the FEV1, age, colonization, extension, dyspnea (FACED) score, bronchiectasis severity index (BSI) score, six-minute walk test (6MWD), and FEV1 showed associations across most scales while the other outcome parameters showed varying associations. Conclusions The QOL is significantly reduced in NCFB and it may be quantified using the QOL-B questionnaire. The impact on QOL in NCFB may be assessed using validated tools such as the FACED and BSI scoring systems, as well as other well-established outcome parameters like 6MWD and FEV1 predicted.