In plants, pathogen effector-triggered immunity (ETI) often leads to programmed cell death, which is restricted by NPR1, an activator of systemic acquired resistance. However, the biochemical activities of NPR1 enabling it to promote defense and restrict cell death remain unclear. Here we show that NPR1 promotes cell survival by targeting substrates for ubiquitination and degradation through formation of salicylic acid-induced NPR1 condensates (SINCs). SINCs are enriched with stress response proteins, including nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat immune receptors, oxidative and DNA damage response proteins, and protein quality control machineries. Transition of NPR1 into condensates is required for formation of the NPR1-Cullin 3 E3 ligase complex to ubiquitinate SINC-localized substrates, such as EDS1 and specific WRKY transcription factors, and promote cell survival during ETI. Our analysis of SINCs suggests that NPR1 is centrally integrated into the cell death or survival decisions in plant immunity by modulating multiple stress-responsive processes in this quasi-organelle.Cancer immunotherapies enhance anti-tumor immune responses using checkpoint inhibitors, such as PD-1 or PD-L1 inhibitors. Recent studies, however, have extended the scope of immunotherapeutics by unveiling DNA damage-induced innate immunity as a novel target for cancer treatment. Elucidating the interplay among the DNA damage response (DDR), cyclic GMP-AMP synthase-stimulator of interferon genes (cGAS-STING) pathway activation, and anti-tumoral immunity is critical for the development of effective cancer immunotherapies. Here, we discuss the current understanding of the mechanisms by which DNA damage activates immune responses that target and eradicate cancer cells. Yet, understanding how cancer cells can escape this immune surveillance and promote tumor progression represents an outstanding challenge. We highlight the most recent clinical advances, in particular how pharmacological fine-tuning of innate/adaptive immunity and its combination with DDR inhibitors, ionizing radiation (IR), and chemotherapy can be exploited to improve cancer treatment.Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a complex congenital heart disease characterized by abnormalities in the left ventricle, associated valves, and ascending aorta. Studies have shown intrinsic myocardial defects but do not sufficiently explain developmental defects in the endocardial-derived cardiac valve, septum, and vasculature. Here, we identify a developmentally impaired endocardial population in HLHS through single-cell RNA profiling of hiPSC-derived endocardium and human fetal heart tissue with an underdeveloped left ventricle. Intrinsic endocardial defects contribute to abnormal endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition, NOTCH signaling, and extracellular matrix organization, key factors in valve formation. Endocardial abnormalities cause reduced cardiomyocyte proliferation and maturation by disrupting fibronectin-integrin signaling, consistent with recently described de novo HLHS mutations associated with abnormal endocardial gene and fibronectin regulation. Together, these results reveal a critical role for endocardium in HLHS etiology and provide a rationale for considering endocardial function in regenerative strategies.An animal's decision depends not only on incoming sensory evidence but also on its fluctuating internal state. This state embodies multiple cognitive factors, such as arousal and fatigue, but it is unclear how these factors influence the neural processes that encode sensory stimuli and form a decision. We discovered that, unprompted by task conditions, animals slowly shifted their likelihood of detecting stimulus changes over the timescale of tens of minutes. Neural population activity from visual area V4, as well as from prefrontal cortex, slowly drifted together with these behavioral fluctuations. We found that this slow drift, rather than altering the encoding of the sensory stimulus, acted as an impulsivity signal, overriding sensory evidence to dictate the final decision. Overall, this work uncovers an internal state embedded in population activity across multiple brain areas and sheds further light on how internal states contribute to the decision-making process.Primary somatosensory neurons are specialized to transmit specific types of sensory information through differences in cell size, myelination, and the expression of distinct receptors and ion channels, which together define their transcriptional and functional identity. By profiling sensory ganglia at single-cell resolution, we find that all somatosensory neuronal subtypes undergo a similar transcriptional response to peripheral nerve injury that both promotes axonal regeneration and suppresses cell identity. This transcriptional reprogramming, which is not observed in non-neuronal cells, resolves over a similar time course as target reinnervation and is associated with the restoration of original cell identity. Injury-induced transcriptional reprogramming requires ATF3, a transcription factor that is induced rapidly after injury and necessary for axonal regeneration and functional recovery. Our findings suggest that transcription factors induced early after peripheral nerve injury confer the cellular plasticity required for sensory neurons to transform into a regenerative state.Migration is a complex trait that often has genetic underpinnings. However, it is unclear if migratory behaviour itself is inherited (direct genetic control), or if the decision to migrate is instead the outcome of a set of physiological traits (indirect genetic control). For steelhead/rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), migration is strongly linked to a large genomic region across their range. Here, we demonstrate a shared allelic basis between early life growth rate and migratory behaviour. Next, we demonstrate that early life growth differs among resident/migratory genotypes in wild juveniles several months prior to migration, with resident genotypes achieving a larger size in their first few months of life than migratory genotypes. We suggest that the genetic basis of migration is likely indirect and mediated by physiological traits such as growth rate. Evolutionary benefits of this indirect genetic mechanism likely include flexibility among individuals and persistence of life-history diversity within and among populations.