The present review highlights the potential of several dendrimers in the management of parasitic diseases.Technological advances result in new traceability configurations that, however, cannot always secure transparency and food safety. Even in cases where a system guarantees transparency, the actual consumer involvement and a real consumer-based perspective cannot always be ensured. The importance of such consumer centricity is vital, since it is strongly associated with effective supply chains that properly fulfil their end-users' needs and requests. Thus, the objective of this paper was to explore the level of consumer centricity in food supply chains under a traceability system. The methodological approach employed a framework of two studies validating subsequently a similar set of variables, using initially consumers data and then supply chain actors data. The supply chain of sustainable tomato was selected to design the studies. The level of agreement between datasets suggested the level of the supply chain consumer centricity. Findings showed health, trust, quality, nutrition, and safety-related values to be significant for the consumers towards accepting a traceability system. The supply chain actors also accepted a traceability system based on the fact that their customers' needs rely on the exact same beliefs, indicating a high level of consumer centricity. The current work underlines the magnitude of consumer centricity in food supply chains and provides an easy and straightforward framework for its exploration. Key implications suggest the design of more effective supply chain and consumer-based strategies for the food industry. Policymakers could also adopt the concept of consumer centricity to further improve the food industry.In order to develop tailored interventions aiming to encourage active transport among older adults, it is important to gain insights into the modifiable moderators affecting active transport behavior considering the neighborhood in which one lives. Therefore, this study aimed to determine which objective physical environmental factors have an impact on the active transport behavior of Belgian older adults (≥65 years old) and which psychosocial and social environmental moderators influence those relationships. Data from 503 independent living older adults who participated the Belgian Environmental Physical Activity Study in Seniors were included. Multilevel negative binominal regression models (participants nested in neighborhoods) with log link function were fitted for the analyses. Our resulted indicated that older adults living in an environment with higher residential density, higher park density, lower public transport density, and more entropy index had higher active transport levels. Furthermore, different types of neighborhood in which older adults live can lead to different moderators that are decisive for increasing older adults' active transport behavior. Therefore, based on our results some recommendations towards tailored interventions could be given to increase older adults' active transport behavior depending on the environment in which one lives.The search for novel platforms and metamaterials for the enhancement of optical and particularly Raman signals is still an objective since optical techniques offer affordable, noninvasive methods with high spatial resolution and penetration depth adequate to detect and image a large variety of systems, from 2D materials to molecules in complex media and tissues. Definitely, plasmonic materials produce the most efficient enhancement through the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) process, allowing single-molecule detection, and are the most studied ones. Here we focus on less explored aspects of SERS such as the role of the inter-nanoparticle (NP) distance and the ultra-small NP size limit (down to a few nm) and on novel approaches involving graphene and graphene-related materials. The issues on reproducibility and homogeneity for the quantification of the probe molecules will also be discussed. Other light enhancement mechanisms, in particular resonant and interference Raman scatterings, as well as the platforms that allow combining several of them, are presented in this review with a special focus on the possibilities that graphene offers for the design and fabrication of novel architectures. Recent fluorescence enhancement platforms and strategies, so important for bio-detection and imaging, are reviewed as well as the relevance of graphene oxide and graphene/carbon nanodots in the field.The present review aims to summarize the main features of mammary gland anatomy, and the physiology of lactation and colostrum/milk in the most commonly used animal species for regulatory toxicity. The final goal is the selection of a preferred animal species to be enrolled in studies investigating the potential transfer of drugs and exogenous molecules through milk, within the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) funded project ConcePTION. Reference data regarding humans were also collected and analyzed in order to highlight critical similarities and differences with the studied species. Additional practical considerations were also taken into account, such as ethical consideration regarding the chosen species which affects the group size, financial implications and technical feasibility of lactation trials (e.g., ease of sampling, volume of sampling, husbandry requirements and scientific recognition). In conclusion, the present analysis of the literature confirms the complexity of the decisional process behind the choice of an animal model for in vivo trials. For some of the evaluated species, data were either poor or missing, highlighting the necessity to generate more physiological background studies for species that are routinely used in laboratory settings. Overall, when taking into consideration ethical factors, feasible group size, milk volume and ease of milk collection, and physiological similarities with humans, minipigs seem to represent the most appropriate choice.Background and Objectives The techniques directed to the cranial field in osteopathy are the most questioned due to the lack of scientific evidence. In osteopathic practice, manual palpation is essential and, therefore, measuring reliability is fundamental. The objective of this study is to assess the precision and objectification of an educational model in cranial osteopathy based on experience. Materials and Methods A reliability study was conducted in a cadaver skull where a strain gauge was placed on the sphenobasilar synchondrosis (SBS) of the base of the skull. Three cranial osteopathic techniques (lateral compression, anteroposterior compression, and compression maneuver of the mastoids) were performed 25 times by osteopaths with different degrees of experience (5-10 years, 1-5 years, 15 years' experience. Little or no reliability were observed in osteopaths with less experience. Conclusions The experience of the osteopaths determines the reliability and effectiveness of the cranial techniques, a fundamental part in objectifying these techniques.