MLL recruits p300/CBP through its transcriptional activation domain, which acetylates histone H3 at lysines 9, 18, and 27. The AF4 family/ENL family/P-TEFb complex (AEP) binds to acetylated H3K9/18/27 to activate transcription. Gene rearrangements of MLL with AEP- or CBP/p300-complex components generate constitutively active transcriptional machinery of this transcriptional activation system, which causes aberrant self-renewal of leukemia stem cells. Inhibitors of the components of this system effectively decrease their leukemogenic potential.Despite clinical use of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) for two decades, an efficient, robust fat suppression (FS) technique still does not exist for this CMR mainstay. In ischemic and non-ischemic heart disease, differentiating fibrotic tissue from infiltrating and adjacent fat is crucial. Multiple groups have independently developed an FS technique for LGE, double spectral attenuated inversion recovery (DSPAIR), but no comprehensive evaluation was performed. This study aims to fill this gap. DSPAIR uses two SPAIR pulses and one non-selective IR pulse to enable FS LGE, including compatibility with phase sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR). We implemented a magnitude (MAGN) and a PSIR variant and compared them with LGE without FS (CONTROL) and with spectral presaturation with inversion recovery (SPIR) in simulations, phantoms, and patients. Fat magnetization by SPIR, MAGN DSPAIR, and PSIR DSPAIR was simulated as a function of pulse B1 , readout (RO) pulse number, and fat TI . A phantom with fat, fibrosis, and myocardium compartments was imaged using all FS methods and modifying pulse B1 , RO pulse number, and heart rate. Signal was measured in SNR units. Fat, myocardium, and fibrosis SNR and fibrosis-to-fat CNR were obtained. Patient images were acquired with all FS techniques. Fat, myocardium, and fibrosis SNR, fibrosis-to-fat CNR, and image and FS quality were assessed. In the phantom, both DSPA