7mm. Using two-way ANOVA, there were significant sex differences for needle distances (p=.001), and full and limited sacral curvatures (p=.02, and p=.046, respectively). There were no significant linear regression correlations between age and sacral curvature, needle distance, canal area, or hiatus width. Therefore, despite a frequently prominent full sacral curvature, the combination of S1-S2 dural sac termination plus a relatively straight trajectory of the lower vertebral canal between S2 and S4 support the theoretical feasibility of percutaneous trans-sacral hiatus and vertebral canal access to the lumbosacral cistern using a standard spinal needle. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Boot camp style courses for graduating students provide intensive, timely training to help improve and polish clinical and communication skills before transitioning to the intern role. At our institution, we offer an annual two-week pediatric boot camp elective for graduating medical students entering into pediatric residencies each spring that uses a combination of simulation, patient encounters and classroom-based sessions. However, medical students graduating in 2020 were removed from all patient care activities for their final quarter because of the COVID-19 pandemic, limiting many planned "just in time" experiences. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Landscape planning that ensures the ecological integrity of ecosystems is critical in the face of rapid, human driven habitat conversion and development pressure. Wildlife tracking data provide unique and valuable information on animal distribution and location specific behaviors that can serve to increase the efficacy of such planning efforts. Given the spatio-temporal complexity inherent to animal movements, the interaction between movement behavior and a location is o