PURPOSE Fluence-modulated proton computed tomography (FMpCT) using pencil beam scanning aims at achieving task-specific image noise distributions by modulating the imaging proton fluence spot-by-spot based on an object-specific noise model. In this work, we present a method for fluence field optimization and investigate its performance in dose reduction for various phantoms and image variance targets. METHODS The proposed method uses Monte Carlo simulations of a proton CT (pCT) prototype scanner to estimate expected variance levels at uniform fluence. Using an iterative approach, we calculate a stack of target variance projections that are required to achieve the prescribed image variance, assuming a reconstruction using filtered backprojection. By fitting a pencil beam model to the ratio of uniform fluence variance and target variance, relative weights for each pencil beam can be calculated. The quality of the resulting fluence modulations is evaluated by scoring imaging doses and comparing them to those at We developed a method for fluence field optimization based on a noise model for a real scanner used in pCT. We demonstrated that it can achieve prescribed image variance targets. A uniform fluence field was shown not to be dose optimal and dose reductions achievable with the proposed method for FMpCT were considerable, opening an interesting perspective for image guidance and adaptive therapy. © 2020 The Authors. Medical Physics published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Association of Physicists in Medicine.BACKGROUND The ability to differentiate right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) from coronary cusp (CC) site of origin (SOO) by 12-lead ECG in pediatric patients may impact efficacy and procedural time. The objective of this study was to predict RVOT versus CC SOO by ECG in pediatric patients. METHODS Pediatric patients ( 0.05, S wave in V1 less then 0.9 mV, and precordial transition at or befor